Discover the transformative power of SPIRIT RULE (led by the Holy Spirit). Through absolute surrender, experience breakthroughs, joy, and freedom. Spirit Rules equips believers to...
Being obedient is a daily workout. We have choices throughout our day to walk as Jesus walked...or not. God's commands are not to withhold things from us but to protect us....
The spiritual heart is central to every aspect of our lives. It cannot be overemphasized that everything in our spiritual life, and life in general, is all about the condition of the...
Waiting is one of the most difficult disciplines we have to learn. When we get impatient and tired of waiting, we may decide to take matters into our own hands. That is not a good...
Are You Ready to Experience True Transformation? Do setbacks in your spiritual journey make you question God’s character or your relationship with Him? It’s time to...
COMING SPRING 2025You provide the location and details, and I'll take care of all the meat of the weekend. I have a strong desire to help people read, understand, and connect...
Posted by Misty Fitch on 12/10/2024
The Bible says, "Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning." (Psalm 30:5, NKJV) To prepare our hearts to experience future joy, we must take time to lament...
Conflict resolution. We think of it as an issue between two or more parties or conflict with a co-worker. Conflict of any type brings opportunity to grow in Christlikeness. Ephesians...
Posted by Sue Bowles on 11/29/2024
Would you like to minister to others through writing? Come learn the basics for getting started and leave with a plan for beginning your life as a writer. In this topic you will: learn...
We live in a sinful, disease-filled world and it is hard to see the good. But God. These two words bring hope to the hopeless, faith to the faithless, and joy to the joyless. Join...
Posted by Sheila Llewellyn on 11/06/2024
Submission is NOT a Four-Letter Word leads women to know that God created us in His image. He designed us to be free of the shackles of the world through total surrender to Him.=====James...