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Posted by: Mary Gray on 12/12/2024

Obedience Brings Blessings

Being obedient is a daily workout. We have choices throughout our day to walk as Jesus walked...or not.  God's commands are not to withhold things from us but to protect us. They are for our good. There are blessings and rewards in keeping them. 


“But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it.” Luke 11:28

There are times, though, when obedience may seem burdensome; but obedience is always the right choice. Obedience can bring changes and challenges and interruption and disruption into our lives. Obedience can stretch you more than you thought you could stretch. But if God is in it, He will help you in the stretch and rescue you if and when necessary.

Obedience is a demonstration of our faith and love for God. He will give us the strength and power to do whatever needs to be done. God has a purpose in every experience we encounter. It is part of our journey, growing, maturing, and perfecting our faith. We draw nearer to God, trusting Him in all things and receiving tangible and intangible blessings because of our faithfulness demonstrated through obedience. 

God has set boundaries for us to keep us on the right path. We need to follow them and be thankful for them. Every decision we make and every action we take has a choice. Obedience brings blessings and rewards. Disobedience brings judgment and punishment.  It’s on you what choice you make. Choose wisely. It will determine the course of your life. It’s that important.


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