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Posted by: Sue Bowles on 11/29/2024

It's Time to R.E.S.I.G.N: A Christian Approach to Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution. We think of it as an issue between two or more parties or conflict with a co-worker. Conflict of any type brings opportunity to grow in Christlikeness. Ephesians 6 gives us the equipment we need to stay protected and rest as we deal with conflict. While each part of the armor plays a role, the shield of faith is a large piece protecting us. Behind it is peace in the midst of the battle. When we feel a lack of peace – a lack of rest – it is a clue we’ve stepped outside of its protection. We’ve become distracted by the arrows flying, and when we are distracted, we lose sight of the core issues at hand.
 The R.E.S.I.G.N. approach serves as a benchmark by which to check personal responsibility in relational conflict. Applying Biblical principles to the process, we Recognize the issue(s), Evaluate the various influences in the struggle, Strategize a new way of responding, Incorporate new approaches to the person / situation, Generate momentum and experience, and Navigate a new way of operating. When R.E.S.I.G.N. is applied, we follow the path of Biblical instruction on handling conflict and relationships, incorporating self-care and reflection as part of the process. R.E.S.I.G.N. applies Biblical principles while forging a new path of growth and can be applied to any situation.
Conflict management is a key component to mental health and has lasting implications for professional and personal success in relationships, marriage, and personal growth. Our past experience and exposure to healthy conflict plays a significant role in our foundational skills around conflict. Additionally, in a time when communication is more often than not carried out through text or email, basic communication skills have softened, with conflict oftentimes avoided or not handled in healthy ways. Avoiding conflict can lead to future mental health struggles. Healthy conflict management preserves mental and emotional rest. Conflict resolution skills are life skills affecting mental health in all areas. R.E.S.I.G.N. is  an easily applicable approach which applies Biblical principles while fostering personal growth. 

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