It's a hot topic these days. We're all talking about having better boundaries. But what exactly does that mean?And why are they an essential part of wellness and healthy relationships?...
Are you ready to find your calling once and for all? Your calling is the sweet spot where your passions, gifts, and skills overlap. As you begin to live out your calling, you'll...
The Bible tells us to love our neighbor and spread the gospel beginning in Judea - our own backyard. Toni Campbell helps you do that in simple, practical ways. After reading a...
Posted by Toni Campbell on 12/17/2024
Want to equip your women for relational discipleship in one day? This intensive 3-session workshop teaches principles from Kim's groundbreaking book DiscipleSips: Leaving a Jesus...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/10/2024
Could your women’s group use a fun night out - that will both tickle their funny bone AND give them practical and biblical tools to face daily challenges with joy?=====CS Lewis...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/10/2024
Discover the fun and easy way to do evangelism! The Bible tells us not to put our light under a bushel and to take the Gospel to the ends of the Earth. We desire to obey God in this,...
Posted by Lena Bjorna on 12/05/2024
Ladies, we set the tone for our families. As mothers, wives, and daughters, we have a unique role in the entire household's spiritual formation. And this doesn't end when the...
Discover a countercultural strategy that frees you from the pressure of the world’s BIG metrics game, empowering you to tackle humble ministry beginnings beyond your comfort...
Would you like to minister to others through writing? Come learn the basics for getting started and leave with a plan for beginning your life as a writer. In this topic you will: learn...
Linette Rainville, Women's Ministry Mentor and founder of Daughters United, is here to help you expand your reach, train your team and help you build a vibrant virtual presence. With...
Starting a successful women's ministry involves careful planning, a clear vision, and a commitment to fostering community and spiritual growth. =====This topic is ideal for...
Seeing our life as women and mothers through God's eyes. How glorifying Him in these areas of our lives is a great ministry that creates a great testimony. ...
Posted by Susan Shultz on 10/31/2024