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Posted by: Mary Gray on 12/12/2024

The Heart of the Matter is the Matter of the Heart

The spiritual heart is central to every aspect of our lives. It cannot be overemphasized that everything in our spiritual life, and life in general, is all about the condition of the heart. Every choice, decision, and action flows from what is in the heart. 


Your heart will always pursue what you treasure. Have you noticed how Self Storage has become such a big business? We can’t depart from our stuff. Instead of valuing the things money can buy, we are to value what money cannot buy, the eternal inheritance we will receive on that day when we see Jesus face to face. That is our greatest treasure.

"Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:1-2

We can’t just follow our hearts as the world tells us. That is a dangerous thing because of the temptation to follow the sinful nature. The heart and mind can lead us astray. We are in a daily battle between our sinful nature, which we are born with, and our spiritual nature which we are born again into the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

We will examine four kinds of heart conditions measured by faith or the lack thereof. What does God see when He looks at your heart?




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