The speech I'll be delivering, titled "Where is God in the Brokenness," is a deeply personal exploration of my journey through one of the darkest moments of my life—the...
Posted by Michelle Bader Ebersole on 09/03/2024
While working in hospice, I once introduced myself to a fantastic woman in her nineties. I asked a conversation starter question that was phrased something like, "tell me...
Posted by Emily Hill on 07/23/2024
Giving thanks in all circumstances is the will of God, even when storms threaten. Do we really want to praise God through our storm? This topic explores our reactions to difficult...
Posted by Patricia Cameron on 02/02/2024
Memories play a role in moving us forward in our journey to healing. They can help us process our loss and even lend perspective. Discover how to remember God’s blessings and...
The Master's Keys of Decrees52 Days of Decrees and Declarations for Youth (and Adults!) Why teach children to decree a thing? So, it will be established! Decrees restore what...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 03/10/2023
Overcome struggles, embrace joys, and discover how to make the most of every day with your children! Karen, a mother of five who moved around as a military wife, and faced many challenges,...
Posted by Karen Whiting on 12/01/2022
We all have pain in our lives. We can settle for merely surviving the pain, or we can let God redeem it so that every drop of our pain enriches us. In this presentation, women...
We have all believed lies about ourselves, sometimes packing them away in a backpack or suitcase, and carrying them around on a daily basis. Ammie was not only carrying around...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 06/04/2019
Cancer and other terminal illnesses claim the lives of many people around us. It is even harder when it strikes the love of your life. It would be easy to hide away with our memories,...
Everyone has a story only she can tell. Future generations deserve to know your family history. Kelly shows that it can be as easy as chatting with a friend.----------When asked to...
Kelly encourages everyone to live, give, and love like Christ. Leave with a fresh perspective of the holiday, renewed excitement in Christ’s birth, and a bright anticipation...
Have you made mistakes? Do you have regrets? Kelly discusses the importance of forgiveness—even forgiving ourselves, sharing proven ways to overcome unforgiveness.----------Unforgiveness...