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Posted by: Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019

Regrets and Unforgiveness

Have you made mistakes? Do you have regrets? Kelly discusses the importance of forgiveness—even forgiving ourselves, sharing proven ways to overcome unforgiveness.


Unforgiveness breeds bitterness. Bitterness keeps us from loving and helping others and can keep us from living our lives fully.  

With wit and candor, Kelly recounts a routine she’d made an annual tradition marking each Mother’s Day and birthday. Taking out her big bag of regrets, she’d remove each memory and pain, one by one, hold it up and turn it around, examining every facet.

A few years ago, she resolved to change that dance. She no longer drags out her regrets, but is determined to lay them all at the foot of the cross and let the blood of Jesus cover them.

God reminded her that the Bible says in 2 Corinthians, we can take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ, and 1 Corinthians says we have the mind of Christ. Now when Satan tries to sneak his ugly hand around her mind and pull her close, she pushes him away.

Encouraging her audience to hold their regrets up to the light of Christ, together they examine them in His brilliance because, as it says in 1 John 5, God is light and in Him there is no darkness.

Citing medical journals, Kelly quotes scientific proof that unforgiveness can taint our attitudes, stunt our spiritual growth, and even damage our health. 

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