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Ammie Bouwman

Christian Speaker
Hamilton Michigan 49419

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Speaking truth with love. ~ Ephesians 4:15

Speaking truth with love. ~ Ephesians 4:15

Contact Information

Online Social Profiles
Hamilton, MI 49419
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Family Church - RedWood Campus
Relationship to Church
Regularly Attends
Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
Fee Range
Works with Your Budget

More About Ammie Bouwman

Ammie Bouwman is a Reverend, Author, International Speaker, and Founder of For His Glory Ministry. She has written over fifteen books, and loves encouraging others! Starting in 2013, God has taken her on an amazing journey, completely restoring her life and using every minute since to share the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. She preaches and teaches online each week, reaching thousands and speaking truth with love. To find out more about For His Glory Ministry, her upcoming events, or purchase any of her life-changing books, go to: www.ammiebouwman.com

Ammie Bouwman Recommendations

Submitted by Pathway Church on Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025

Christine Seidelman, Member

I would highly recommend Ammie Bouwman for your next inspirational speaking event. She came prepared through the Holy Spirit and touched the hearts of everyone attending. When talking with the ladies that attended our event they each found that they had one (or many) things in common with her story and were blessed by attending.

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Submitted by Mason Community Church on Thursday, May 25, 2023

Kim Gardner

WOW! Ammie shared her deep experiences with our women in attendance. She touched every single attendee in one way or another, very relatable and authentic. Ammie shared her struggles which were or are very similar to our very own. She is truly an example of never give up, trust God, be obedient to Him, and "God's Word is His will for you!" So many women blessed at this event!

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Submitted by Open Door Worship Center on Wednesday, Feb 08, 2023

Pastor Jeanne Scholten

Ammie is a dynamic, Holy Spirit lead speaker. She is engaging and she speaks Gods truths with love and respect for her audience. She draws the listener in with her testimony while giving God all the Glory! I would highly recommend Ammie Bouwman for your next conference!

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Submitted by New Birth Worship Center Women's Conference on Tuesday, Jul 16, 2019

Theresa Henry - Chairperson

Ammie Bouwman is absolutely amazing. Not just in the natural form but most important spiritually. God used Ammie to speak her journey through life that helped so many women at our 2019 Women's Conference in East Bend, North Carolina. For two days the blessings of God fell upon the women. Ammie is magnificent in her own right and the anointing is all over her and her ministry. You will never be disappointed if you request her presence.

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Submitted by Open Door Worship Center on Tuesday, Jun 04, 2019

Pastor Jeanne Scholten

It was a joy and delight to have Ammie speak at our Ladies Christmas Tea. She spoke with a genuine and transparent heart, a spirit of truth and grace. She added the perfect touch of humor and the love of Jesus to her words! She was truly a blessing to us all!

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Ammie Bouwman Speaking Topics

Suitcases - It's time to lay the baggage down

 We have all believed lies about ourselves, sometimes packing them away in a backpack or suitcase, and carrying them around on a daily basis. Ammie was not only carrying around...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 06/04/2019

A is for Authentic - Finding our Authentic Selves

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Maybe it's a failure as a wife or mother, or maybe a student in school. Maybe you see someone who has been let down time and time...

Hallelujah in the Hard Times

Why is it important to be able to say "Hallelujah" in the hard times? Because some times, some days, some seasons of our lives it all feels hard. But God never changes and...

Faith is an action word!

To have faith, we need to take action. That could be stepping out and believing before we can see the fruits. That could be confessing with our mouth before feeling the results. It...

Finding JOY Again

Are you experiencing depression, sadness, or losing hope? If so, don’t let the enemy steal one more day! This life-changing topic will address the sadness, the lies from the...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 01/14/2020

I can customize to your event!

Speaking TopicsMy Daughter, Your Faith Has Healed YouFinding Joy AgainIt’s a Battle ~ Putting on The Armor of GodSuitcases: It’s Time to Lay the Baggage DownGo the Extra...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

Daughter, Your Faith Has Healed You

So many times in our lives, we wait. We wait for things to change, our circumstances to get better, and things to return to how they used to be. We don't realize that all too often,...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 08/23/2023

Now Scheduling for 2025

Now Scheduling for 2025...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 10/22/2024

The Hidden Door - Opening Your Prayer Life with God's Word

For years I struggled with prayer. Prayer was more of something that stood between me and that first bite of macaroni and cheese or something that would ward off any monsters in my...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 09/06/2022

Reclaiming Your Identity In Christ

Are you traveling a road of confusion? Are you playing on repeat every wrong choice you have ever made and living in the past? If you no longer recognize the person looking back at...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 09/06/2022

Be A Warrior - Not a Worrier

There has never been a more critical time to stand firm in our faith and be Warriors, not worriers. Ammie's encouraging message will give you biblical truths, practical application,...

Ammie Bouwman Events

"Finding Joy Again" Women's Conference
10/11/2025 2:13 PM

Ladies, you are not going to want to miss this event! Mark your calendars for the "Finding Joy Again" Women's... View More

South Olive CRC

Ammie Bouwman Resources


At a time of year where we feel we "should " feel joyful, the extra stress and responsibilities of the holidays, loss of loved ones and more, can cause this to be a real struggle. Add to this the challenges we've faced in the last 2 years with COVID-19, and joy can be hard to find. At the BCC Women's Christmas Brunch, Ammie shared her own experiences in a way that allowed many to relate to her journey. She reminded us where our true joy comes from. Ammie provided encouragement and reminders from scripture that allowed the ladies attending to leave the event feeling lighter and...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

For His Glory Ministry - FREE APP for Apple or Android

Join Chaplain Ammie Bouwman for Sunday services, Tuesday teachings, daily devotions, books, resources, and all the ways God is moving in For His Glory Ministry. ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 03/21/2022

Schedule for 2023/2024

I would love to speak at your next event! Now scheduling for 2024! ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 12/30/2022

For His Glory Ministry

We are a spirit-led Ministry, feeding the world with WORD and DEED.  Our commission ~ Preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus ChristGlobal outreach through social mediaFeeding the hungryCaring for the enslaved, broken and wearyBiblical Counseling and MentoringLeadership & Discipleship Training To learn more or join our family of monthly givers, go to: www.ammiebouwman.com/ministry ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

The Chair with Ammie Bouwman

Join Ammie every Tuesday for her Tuesday Teaching! You won't want to miss it! ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

Truth in the Streets with Reverend Ammie Bouwman

Join us every Sunday at 10 am for our online service! ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

Daily Devotions

Looking for an encouraging way to start your day? These small devotions will point you to God's Word and His truth! ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

Speaking Truth with Love - PODCAST

Listen on the go! Welcome! Each week you will enjoy Tuesday teachings, Sunday sermons, and other inspirational, encouraging thoughts from Chaplain, author, and international speaker, Ammie Bouwman. ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

The Hidden Door - Opening Your Prayer Life with God's Word

For years I struggled with prayer. Prayer was more of something that stood between me and that first bite of macaroni and cheese or something that would ward off any monsters in my closet. It was something that would protect me in the night in case I died suddenly, never waking up again. It was less about having a conversation with God and more about a checklist. “Yes, Mom, I said my prayers.” But at 51 years old, I found the hidden door. Maybe like me, you’ve had misconceptions your whole life about prayer. Perhaps you’ve always wanted a more intimate, active prayer life...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

Finding Joy Again

Are you experiencing depression, sadness, or loss of hope? If so, don’t let the enemy steal one more day. Finding Joy Again addresses your sadness and the lies of the enemy, giving you the principles of truth that will help you find your joy again. Each chapter is followed by a breakout session that allows you to dive deeper, answer questions, take notes, and record your journey to joy. It’s perfect for personal study and small group settings. You can find your joy again! ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

Deep Roots: A Family Devotional for Growing Together in God

Family. It’s where we learn about relationships, communication, boundaries, and love. It is our first look into our identity and who we are, and who we’ll grow to be. This delicate, living inception from God knows no demographic boundary, blood type, or specific gene. It can consist of any combination of parents and children, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even close friends. Deep Roots is designed to set aside time once a week to intentionally meet, read together, and discuss God’s truth as a family. My prayer is that you will grow stronger, not only as a family...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

The Sea and the Sand

There are moments in time we will never forget. These moments are not only forever in our hearts and minds, but they help build who we are and take us places where we will long to return. This rhythmic children’s story will delight readers young and old. It will inspire memories to surface from days gone by and encourage new ones to be made. Take a trip to the sea and the sand. ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

Letting Go of Fear

How many times have you started a sentence, “I’m afraid…?” You can end that sentence with anything – “there won’t be enough money,” “that I’m going to get sick,” “of what’s happening,” “that he/she doesn’t love me anymore,” “that I’ll never measure up.” Those words “I’m afraid” sneak their way into our conversations, and before we know it, fear becomes a part of our life. It dictates our decisions, stops us from fully believing who we are in Christ, and derails...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

Reclaiming Your Identity In Christ

Are you traveling a road of confusion? Are you playing on repeat every wrong choice you have ever made and living in the past? If you no longer recognize the person looking back at you in the mirror, then there’s a reason you are reading about this book. Somewhere, you stopped believing that you are created in God’s image. You stopped believing that you are forgiven. You stopped believing in the unlimited grace that is offered to you by simply surrendering your life. Somewhere you stepped away from the plan and purpose God has for you, and you stopped believing His Truth. In this...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

Dolores the Dragonfly

You will love Dolores! She is kind, straightforward and honest, and struggles with something we have all struggled with – comparing ourselves with others. Come along on a journey of discovery, honesty, and the reality that we are all uniquely created by God! ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022

"In Over My Head"

Have you ever struggled with something that you thought was too big for God? Perhaps it was a failed marriage or bankruptcy or maybe even an illness that you were told you would have for the rest of your life? Ammie Bouwman struggled with each of these things and more, and she discovered that when she finally admitted she was in over here head and needed God to restore here life, that was when He reached down and pulled her up from the depths of her darkness. This is her story. ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 04/06/2019

"Living on the Waves"

Have you ever found yourself in a childlike state in your relationship with God? Have you ever needed someone to come and walk along side you everyday who relates to your struggles? Ammie Boumann does just that in this daily Devotional Living On The Waves. Each day she brings the Grace and Love of God to you in a relatable way. Her personal journey and redemption story brings hope and light to even your darkest places. She takes you day by day, moment by moment giving you biblical principles and personal encouragement to help you conquer the lies that the enemy uses against you. Each page if...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 04/06/2019

"Looking for God"

A children’s story. Story and photography by Ammie Bouwman.  ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 04/06/2019

The 700 Club

Ammie's story recently appeared on The 700 Club. You can see her story of hope and healing at www.ammiebouwman.com ...

Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 06/04/2019