52 Days of Decrees and Declarations for Youth (and Adults!)
Why teach children to decree a thing? So, it will be established! Decrees restore what the Bible says to children and adults alike! When we decree the Word out loud, faith brings it alive! Combine it with scripture and Holy Spirit Dunamis power living inside, and you are using Kingly language, packed with royal authority power! When you decree, you begin "to see" what God has already called it to be. We partner with El Elyon, Most High God, when we decree and declare! Here's some encouragement: as we pray and decree, remember what the number 52 means spiritually. It means liberty, liberation, release, freedom, deliverance, rest, reward, multiplication, and association or agreement. There is God-ordained power in the promises of God and getting them into our hearts, soul, and memories! You will grow stronger as you read the Word of Jesus daily over the next 52 days and beyond as you spend time in prayer, praise, and worship and become healthier in your inner person and life!