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Holly LaChappell

Christian Speaker
Verdi Nevada 89439

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1 John 4:16 " And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."

1 John 4:16 " And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Verdi, NV 89439
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

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Outlook Christian Church
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Full Time (over 20 events per year)
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More About Holly LaChappell

Holly LaChappell is a Christian writer, educator, and speaker. She served with her church's Women's Ministry for over ten years. Holly has also served as a Teaching Speaker and Leader in Women's Bible Study at Twin Cities Church. She has also served as a volunteer at A New Day, a non-profit Counseling center as a Lay Counselor. Holly lead a bible study to a group of men with Teen Challenge for the past three years. Holly has the privilege of speaking at Conventions, Retreats, all kinds of women's events and workshops encouraging people to live a deeper and more joyful relationship with Jesus. Her life experiences include owning a flower shop with her husband, teaching Kindergarten and Home Economics to Jr. High students.

She was awarded the Union Newspaper's BEST Teacher of Nevada County, CA  in 2012. She has a passion for loving people and leading them to Jesus' transformational heart healing. For fun, she loves to road cycle, run races, garden, and decorate. She loves laughing and cooking with her family. Her family just welcomed a new grandson named Shepherd and another grandson is on the way! Holly has a sweet Husky rescue dog that she just adores!

Her first book is titled, "Flower of Grace: Discovering God's Lavish Love and Extravagant Promises." Her second book "Reigning Fire: Discovering Holy Spirit Grace and Hope in Your Fiery Trials" is available on Kindle and paperback. It includes a bible study after each chapter. Holly's third book is titled, "Victorious Mom, Victorious Daughter." It is a daily devotional meant to be shared and discussed. She wrote this book to encourage women to grow in their relationship with the Lord and each other. 

Holly's book Savor: Finding the Big Life of Your Dreams in Small Quiet Places is a #1 best seller on www.amazon.com She believes God has a great purpose for each person in His heart and a dream to be fulfilled! God finds great delight as we believe Him and the calling He has placed upon our lives! "Train To Reign: Living Your True Identity With Victory and Authority" is Holly's first Bible study! It can be purchased along with 7 weekly videos on amazon.com 

Holly also has three grandchildren and has lovingly written four children’s books for them and children everywhere!  www.amazon.com

Holly LaChappell Recommendations

Submitted by Womens Ministry on Monday, Apr 01, 2024

Mer Jacobs, Executive Womens Church Board

I have had the pleasure and satisfaction of working beside Holly LaChappell for seven years on the Womens Ministry Board.

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Submitted by Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church on Thursday, Feb 24, 2022

Cyndi Shaver/Chair Of Christmas Tea

Holly was fantastic to work with. She spoke at our Women's Christmas Tea and was enthusiastic and exciting to listen too. Everyone enjoyed her openness, sense of humor and her deep love for the Lord. She added to the overall success of our morning and God blessed us with her presence there. Both of her daughters were a joy to have as well!!

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Submitted by Twin Cities Church on Tuesday, Dec 10, 2019

Candy Beam, Director Of Womens Ministry

Holly LaChappell is an enthusiastic and inspiring speaker. Our women’s group at Twin Cities Church in Grass Valley has had the pleasure of hearing Holly speak at our women’s bible study, at growth encounters and at our Christmas Tea which includes over 650 people for 2 evenings. Holly has a variety of interests and experiences and her love of the Lord is evident in all she says and does. I would highly recommend Holly as a speaker for any size group.

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Submitted by Womens Ministry on Friday, Oct 30, 2015

Barbara Howe, Bible study Leader

"For the past five or six years Holly LaChappell has been one of my closest friends, and although I am old enough to be her mother, I have learned much from her. Holly has so many Godly qualities and such an infectious personality that she is a pure joy to be around! She is a woman of faith, a trusted friend, a gentle leader, an inspiring speaker, and a prayer warrior. Her enthusiasm for God's Word, for people of all ages, and for life itself is a blessing to all who know and love her. Holly has been our main speaker for our Christmas Tea at Twin Cities Church for over 600 ladies, as well as having been the Christmas Tea Chairman, chief decorator and emcee over the past several years. Everyone knows that if Holly is involved things will be carried out with style, detail, and enthusiasm. While I was the Bible Study Coordinator at Twin Cities Church for four years I found Holly to be one of our best group leaders, and on occasion was our speaker/teacher to a group of 150 ladies..

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Submitted by Womens Ministry on Friday, Oct 30, 2015

Roseann Hultquist, Bible study Leader

"My name is Roseann Hultquist. I have known Holly LaChappell for over 20 plus years. We first met at church in the late 1980’s, and became closer as friends and coworkers in Women’s Ministry. Both of us attended/served at a community bible study at the same time as well. Not only have Holly and I served together in Christian Ministry but we also worked together on my daughter’s wedding in 1995. Holly has remarkable creative skills as well as organization and integrity in business situations that I saw firsthand when she planned and organized the flowers for the wedding. I have heard Holly speak at our church women’s bible studies for 100 plus women; at our Christmas Tea that covers two nights of speaking for approximately 600 women; at a conference where she displayed decorating skills while sharing the love of Christ with passion, grace, poise and especially the peace and joy of the Lord. ......

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Holly LaChappell Speaking Topics

Growing The Fruit of the Spirit vs. the Baggage We Carry Instead!

In this Retreat, Holly leads the listeners to choose the Holy Spirit to lead them over working hard to achieve the inner divine fruit, which embodies the character of Jesus. He creates...

Posted by Holly LaChappell on 10/29/2015

The Brilliant Love~ A Christmas Story

"Jesus came to us wrapped as a bundle of joy. He came to us with divine love.The angels heralded Him to the Shepherds with blinding light and joyous song. He comes to us today...

Jesus, Our Master Leader in the Workplace

In the marketplace, is it possible to take your God given gifts and integrity and integrate them in your career life? What does Jesus have to say about your witness in the workplace?...

Posted by Holly LaChappell on 10/29/2015

Living with Style On a Budget: Shabby Chic Decorating and Witnessing in your Home

Our homes can say a lot (or say a little) about what we believe living in Jesus means. He is our example of a servant, washing our feet and cleansing our heart. Learn how to shine...

Posted by Holly LaChappell on 10/29/2015

Under Abba Daddy’s Wings of Love!

In this Retreat or Conference, Holly leads the women to embrace and rely on the love of God, Abba Father in all of life's circumstances. She also leads them to Jesus' transformational...

Posted by Holly LaChappell on 10/29/2015

Flowers of Joy!

In this talk, Holly discusses Joy! Heb. 1:9 tells us Jesus was anointed with the “oil of joy!” Jesus is a joyous Savior and He shares His joy with us through the Miracle...

Posted by Holly LaChappell on 12/29/2015

Reigning Fire: Discovering Holy Spirit Grace and Hope in Your Fiery Trials 12 Good Purposes for Going Through Our Fiery Trials

Even in our trials, God wants to turn our old lives into new kingdom lives.  He is igniting the kingdom life within you, changing you from the inside out with the fire of the...

All of Holly's Topics can be made available for Online Viewing!

All of Holly's topics can be viewed via Zoom upon request!Contact Holly for your customized Retreat, workshop or Prayer time!...

“52 Days of Prayers To Rebuild America!”

Published article on Intercessors, Finish the Task! - Intercessors for America (ifapray.org) Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a tells us the Israelites rebuilt the broken down walls of...

Train To Reign: Living Your True Identity With Victory And Authority

Hey there sister! I am super thrilled to be on this mountainous climb to Zion with you as we Train to Reign! Get excited! As you climb, the view is clearer, brighter and at the...

The Master's Keys of Decrees

The Master's Keys of Decrees52 Days of Decrees and Declarations for Youth (and Adults!) Why teach children to decree a thing? So, it will be established! Decrees restore what...

Eat at His Table! Hungering for More of Jesus

Ps. 37:4   shares: “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!” (NLT) The ERV Bible says, “Give the Lord a chance...

Savor: Finding the Big Life of Your Dreams in Small Quiet Places

 Jesus wants you and me to be in a loving and secure relationship with Him. He desires for each one of us to know how much He loves us! Our Savior will teach us how to do this...

Holly LaChappell Events

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Holly LaChappell Resources

Train To Reign: Living Your True Identity With Victory And Authority

FREE! Kindle Download Dec.2 (midnight PST)-Dec. 5 (midnight PST) Paperback will be available too! Train To Reign: Living Your True Identity With Victory And Authority - Kindle edition by LaChappell, Holly. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.  ...

Posted by Holly LaChappell on 12/01/2020

Train to Reign: Living Your True Identity with Victory & Authority - Video Interview

Train to Reign: Living Your True Identity with Victory & Authority. During this session with Marnie and guest, Holly LaChappell, you’ll discover:  Why DIY behavior modification doesn’t work and what to do about it.The most important aspect of your relationship with Jesus—and it’s not about performance. How to be a life catcher and a life giver, and the #1 reason you must act now. Your own Suffering-Coping Personality and the biggest mistakes we make emotionally, and how to avoid it. 6 simple strategies to grow your faith, courage, resiliency, self-control,...

Posted by Holly LaChappell on 06/11/2021