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Posted by: Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019

Ghosts of Christmases Past

Kelly encourages everyone to live, give, and love like Christ. Leave with a fresh perspective of the holiday, renewed excitement in Christ’s birth, and a bright anticipation of family involvement in the Christmas season.


Drawing parallels between the lessons in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and her own life, Kelly emphasizes the importance of forgiveness—forgiving others others as well as forgiving oneself.

Highlighting key Christmases from her past, with candor Kelly takes her audience from laughter to tears and back again, sharing memories of this special day and emphasizing the grace of God.

From holidays of fun and abundance to those with hunger and want, she found richness in poverty and lessons of love in The Most Beautiful Ugly Christmas Ornament, which has become a favorite holiday story. Kelly shares how the Hollow Days became Holy Days through the love of Jesus Christ.

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