Learn how to begin clearing out the clutter so that you can make room for what is most important in your life. Deb is a professional organizer and the owner of Spaces With Soul. In...
Posted by Deb Mantel on 05/25/2023
An unlikely candidate for leadership, Moses began in more humble beginnings than most of us. He was born into incredibly bad circumstances with a good chance of death before he learned...
Posted by Renetta Nail on 05/21/2023
The Master's Keys of Decrees52 Days of Decrees and Declarations for Youth (and Adults!) Why teach children to decree a thing? So, it will be established! Decrees restore what...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 03/10/2023
Knowing your strength as a mom is not just the physical strength that you have but your ability to stand strong in prayer for your family, which begins with you having personal relationship...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 02/28/2023
Telling our stories can feel deeply personal and even downright scary. The thought of reliving any painful or traumatic experiences can be emotionally taxing, to say nothing of exposing...
Posted by Anna Moore Bradfield on 12/19/2022
Ever have the impulse to invest the gospel in younger believers, yet have no idea where to begin? What if you could learn the relational "back pocket basics"...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022
In your interaction with fellow believers, how often have you asked yourself, is this what Christ-centeredness looks like? Why are so many of the faithful so miserable and unproductive?...
Posted by Gloria Crawford Henderson on 11/13/2022
Most of us have an instinctive understanding of what gratitude is, but it can be surprisingly difficult to define. The many life-altering manifestations of gratitude can profoundly...
Choose wisely. It’s a common phrase. One Keli has heard her entire life. But it wasn’t until she lay in the ICU, unable to move—or breathe on her own—that she...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 10/21/2022
Gloria Davies is a counselor and speaker who challenges women to believe that they are "beloved!"As a young girl growing up in poverty, I felt anything but "beloved"...
Posted by Gloria Davies on 09/29/2022
There are only three things that can happen to alcoholics and other addicts: recovery, insanity, or death. In Christ, there is hope and healing for addicts and their families. Understanding...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
What do you do when there are unaddressed, bigger-than-life issues in a family that are causing seismic rifts? Living in a dysfunctional family hurts and can lead to anxiety and...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022