Recounting her personal journey from the clutches of alcohol and drug addiction to a life filled with hope, Sue shares a powerful story. Explore how the unwavering prayers of a mother...
Uncover the art of sharing your story by acquiring skills in presenting it in various formats—whether in person, in writing, or through imagery. Explore multiple methods and...
Telling our stories can feel deeply personal and even downright scary. The thought of reliving any painful or traumatic experiences can be emotionally taxing, to say nothing of exposing...
Unforgiveness causes many problems and no one is immune. Taken from her memoir by the same name, Kelly will lead us to forgiveness—and give us the motivation to want to embrace...
When an ordinary family decides to surrender every area of their lives to the Lord, they discover a “joy that surpasses all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7) Felice...
Everyone has a story only she can tell. Future generations deserve to know your family history. Kelly shows that it can be as easy as chatting with a friend.----------When asked to...
Drawing on her research into NDEs (near death experiences), Chris tells stories she's learned of out-of-body experiences, as well as a special gift from her deceased mother that...