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Gloria Davies

Christian Speaker
Kingsport Tennessee

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I marvel at the goodness of God!

I marvel at the goodness of God!

Contact Information

Kingsport, TN

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
St Andrew's Anglican Church
Relationship to Church
Pastors Wife at
Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
Fee Range
Works with Your Budget

More About Gloria Davies

Gloria Davies is a counselor and speaker who comforts women with God's love and that change can be beautiful in the seasons of our lives. Out of struggle comes courage and hope. 


Though not born in Wyoming, Gloria has spent over 40 years in this beautiful western state.  Gloria was born in North Dakota, one of a dozen children. Gloria experienced a childhood of poverty, the heartbreak of divorce, prosperity, and the face of a devastated loss before beginning her ministry in Christian counseling and grief support. Gloria is the wife of Rev Timothy Gray Davies, has one son, one grandson, and several stepchildren and step grandchildren.

Gloria began her career in long-term care and was an public speaker/educator in the health care arena conducting "Quality of Life" workshops across the United States for professionals working in the health care field. Life changes brought Gloria to settle in the Capitol city of Wyoming and served for six years as Executive Director of LifeChoice Pregnancy Care Center; a non-profit, faith-based ministry.  Gloria graduated on December 13, 2019 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology/Christian Counseling .  In 2021 Gloria graduated from Liberty’s online master’s program with a degree in pastoral Christion counseling/marriage and family. Gloria offers grief support counseling for those who reach out for support.

Gloria has a heart for women’s ministry and was the founder and visionary of “Women of the Valley Fellowship, “a non-profit ministry that began in Southern Wyoming in 2003 until 2013.  

Gloria offers two different presentations; "Who Calls You Beloved; Who Calls Me Beloved"? and "Matters of the Heart". Gloria intermingles her life experiences and Biblical principles throughout her presentations with humor, compassion, and heart felt stories.