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Posted by: Anna Moore Bradfield on 12/19/2022

Your Story: God’s Glory

Telling our stories can feel deeply personal and even downright scary. The thought of reliving any painful or traumatic experiences can be emotionally taxing, to say nothing of exposing those personal experiences, emotions, or thoughts to anyone else.

  • We worry about hurting someone or damaging a relationship that can’t be restored. Could we actually tell our stories in ways that won’t ruin our connections with others?
  • Does anyone really care about our pasts?
  • Do we truly have anything important or interesting to share?
  • Will it honestly be worth the investment of time, distilling our lives into a structured, cohesive narrative?

Yes! We can learn ways to tell our stories that honor others involved.

Yes! People care about our pasts, especially those who love us or who’ve experienced something similar.

Yes! We all have important and interesting excerpts from our lives that God wants us to share.

Yes! It will be worth the investment of time, as we learn to tell our stories.

In this interactive experience, Anna leads your participants though:

  • Honoring others involved with their story without shying away from the validity of their recollections.
  • Pointing that bright light of attention toward God.
  • Realizing God wants to use their story to inspire others toward hope and healing in Christ.

Whether we utilize written or spoken forms, we begin to know ourselves better and appreciate our hardships in ways we never imagined when we learn to tell our stories. We begin to realize that God has uniquely gifted us with a past that He can use to point others toward Him. We begin to see the beauty emerge from the ashes of our lives. And isn’t that truly the meaning of life?

Based on Anna's award-winning, best-selling series The Lambswool Chronicles, experience the joy in discovering how you, too, can share your story in ways that bring honor and glory to God.

The Lambswool Chronicles transport the reader into the world of ancient Israel where David, the apple of God’s eye, seeks to fulfill his purpose as king. In this series, trouble and hardship abound amidst love, forgiveness, and hope for a better tomorrow. We will use these stories as the basis for this interactive event, which could be implemented either as a presentation or as an interactive workshop. Attendees will learn how to tell their own stories in ways that funnel praise to the One who loves them most.

Both Legacy and Lunacy could be purchased and autographed in advance for attendees. 

Anna Moore Bradfield, Author

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