Christian Speaker
Rapid City South Dakota 57709
I am living proof: All things are possible with God!
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Rapid City, SD 57709
United States of America |
Evelyn Leite is an author, counselor and speaker who shares her heart-wrenching, real-life experiences, with humor. She loves to relate funny stories, paired with memories about family addictions and mental health, to lead women to Jesus. Come experience truth, redemption, love, acceptance, and hope.
Evelyn Leite, MHR, LPC, has 28 years of experience in the addiction and mental health fields. As a speaker, she shares openly and with purpose about:
Having a stroke caused by COVID
Living through depression, brain fog and confusion
Coming to see she was OK (the "stuff" simply was not hers)
The soul-destroying habit of self-blame and how to finally leave it behind
Learning to compartmentalize to survive
Working in a treatment center as an alcoholic, before she got sober
Enjoying 41 years of sobriety
How her dysfunctional family shaped her life
Surrendering to the idea that God loved her
Surviving so much abuse, anxiety and depression
The truth of Romans 8:28 - that no matter what life throws at you, it is possible to heal and thrive
As an author, Evelyn has published works by Hazelden Education Center, Johnson Institute, and Community Intervention. She has a total of eight books and a multitude of articles that have been published on the topics of addiction, codependency, grief, abuse, trauma, recovery and more. A full list of her publications is available on her website at
Evelyn is highly regarded for her seminars in multicultural counseling and education, she gives special attention to issues with people from varying cultural and ethnic backgrounds. She has designed and implemented many family programs and is proficient in spiritual and grief counseling.
A family systems therapist since 1980, Evelyn incorporates feelings and compassion in the therapeutic relationship with a wide range of experiences in chemical dependency, addictions, codependency, and domestic abuse, sexual and spiritual abuse. She is noted for having attained success in trauma resolution, anxiety and depression, utilizing EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing).
In 2008, she was installed in the South Dakota Hall of Fame for her humanitarian work. Evelyn is part of the Author's Guild, America's oldest and largest professional organization.
Invite Evelyn to share at your upcoming event!
Submitted by Landmark Community Church on Thursday, Oct 03, 2024
Evelyn has been a leader in recovery counseling helping people get free from the bonds of life-controlling problems, ie: alcohol, drugs, co-dependency, abuse, and negative thinking. She is highly qualified and has thirty years of experience as a chemical dependency and mental health counselor. She has published 14 books on addiction and rebuilding the family after addiction. She is personable and easy to talk to and not only that but she has helped hundreds if not thousands of people find meaning in their lives. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for guidance in recovery. I am a man in recovery from opiate addiction and I know she is a good counselor after spending time with her. Pastor Walter
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Submitted by Western Writers Of America on Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023
Evelyn Leite is an outstanding presenter, yet beyond that she is compassionate and discerning. Since she has lived some of the problems of life which she hears about from audiences, she demonstrates empathy. Evelyn's enthusiasm and clear voice keep audiences engrossed. Most of all, she 'walks the walk' with Jesus and it is obvious to anyone who knows her. I would highly recommend Evelyn Leite to the Christian Women Speakers group.
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Submitted by Community on Monday, Jun 19, 2023
Powerful and authentic and always uplifting!  Evelyn’s experience and ability to share has helped so many!  She continues to inspire and bring understanding and compassion with her shared experiences! Â
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Submitted by Retired on Monday, Jun 19, 2023
Ms Leite is an amazing woman who speaks not only from her professional training but from her heart. Her experiences in life has given her a unique ability to make you feel comfortable with her.
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Submitted by Landmark Church on Tuesday, Dec 20, 2022
Thank you so much for speaking today at our church. Your words spoke to me and really hit home. I ran into my neighbor two days ago and she asked me to come with her. I thought about canceling many times. We buried my 21 year old nephew two years ago and had the funeral at Landmark Church, so I visualize that sometimes when I'm there. I kept thinking that God wanted me to be there today for some reason, so I went and now I know that YOU were the reason. So thank you again, you are a remarkable woman and I appreciate you so much.
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Submitted by Delaine Shay Author on Thursday, Sep 01, 2022
I have been to many events where Evelyn has been the keynote speaker and teacher. I have followed Evelyn for years because I keep learning life-giving wisdom as she authentically shares how God has appeared in her life. She has used her God- given talents, and has worked hard in her studies to provide people with wisdom in striving to be the person God created them to be. She definitely helped me to do that.
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Evelyn’s life of heartbreak and hopelessness drove her directly into the arms of God. There she learned how to be His “Somebody,” and she comes to share those insights...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Are you OK? Experience a new perspective of God’s Sovereignty, life orchestration and healing power as you discover hope, inspiration and encouragement, along with clear...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
What do you do when there are unaddressed, bigger-than-life issues in a family that are causing seismic rifts? Living in a dysfunctional family hurts and can lead to anxiety and...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Living with an alcoholic tends to surface feelings of anger, shame and guilt. These stem from the constant confusion, conflict, unpredictability, inconsistency, mistrust, and sense...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
There are only three things that can happen to alcoholics and other addicts: recovery, insanity, or death. In Christ, there is hope and healing for addicts and their families. Understanding...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Based on Evelyn’s book by the same title, you’ll discover that God created women to want (and work hard toward) loving relationships with dads, husbands and others.Sharing...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Based on Evelyn’s book, Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow, this program includes insights, strategies and spiritual encouragement to help hurting women move into full...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Have you ever looked around and thought the world was crazy? Or you were crazy? Are you searching for sanity? During this session, Evelyn Leite, a sexual abuse survivor, who was raised...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 08/11/2023
Do you love family members and friends who are addicted to alcohol, drugs or other substances? Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be them?Evelyn Leite was raised in...
Discover exactly how to address power struggles by establishing better relationships through clear communication and conflict resolution. Having first lived through extreme family...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Judy Sheer Watters, host of You Have a Story to Tell, interviews Evelyn Leite, an author, counselor, and trainer with 28 years of experience in the addiction and mental health fields. Highly regarded for her seminars in multicultural counseling and education, she gives special attention to issues with people from varying cultural and ethnic backgrounds. She has designed and implemented many family programs and is proficient in spiritual and grief counseling. ...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Meet Evelyn Leite and her wild life of abuse and depression. This is a story you could not make up with more twists and turns than a high-octane rollercoaster. Discover how: She came to believe she was OK. The "stuff" simply was not hers The soul-destroying habit of self-blame was finally left behind A spooky incident by the roadside literally saved her life It is possible to heal and thrive, no matter what life throws at you ...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
During this interview, author, speaker and counselor, Evelyn Leite shares about: Having a stroke caused by COVID Living through depression and with brain fog and confusion Learning to compartmentalize Having a photographic memory Sending her first manuscript to a company that owned a treatment center 41 years of sobriety Working in a treatment center as an alcoholic, before she got sober The messages and examples of her family, and how these shaped her Surrendering to the idea that God loved her Surviving a molestation attempt at age 9 The "3 Times"...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Mental health is a pressing social concern in America. The symptoms, when untreated, destroy lives, tear families apart, and leave our children with deep emotional scars. Abuse, addiction, depression, divorce, and debt are just a few of the outcomes stemming from psychological problems and the inability to maintain stable relationships. Author and counselor Evelyn Leite is the founder of Living with Solutions and A Center for Training and Restoration. Evelyn has 25 years of experience in the addiction and mental health fields. She is highly regarded for her seminars in multicultural...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
The Authors Show features interviews with published and self-published authors in all book genres. Evelyn Leite shares how to exchange confusion, despair and sorrow with hope. Evelyn’s own life story featured a broken, but charming, southerner daddy, a bedridden mama, neglect, a pedophiliac hired man, mind rape and more. ...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Angela Donadio interviews licensed counselor, Evelyn Leite, about how she survived the pain of a deeply troubled upbringing, an abusive husband, and her own battle with alcoholism, to make peace with Jesus. She dedicated her life to helping families understand and heal from the terminal illness of alcoholism and addiction, bringing 35 years of expertise as a chemical dependency and mental health counselor. Gain tools to empower others to overcome obstacles, depression, anxiety and live with restored dignity. ...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
“I know what it is to feel powerless in the face of oppression and feel as if there is no way out.” Evelyn Leite This interview addresses how change is difficult for most of us. Leite shares that this is especially true when life, like hers, was full of crisis, unpredictability and a home filled with intense difficulty, trouble and danger. Discover how Evelyn rose out of anxiety, depression and alcoholism in the family, including an abusive husband, to find hope and stability in God. “The greatest challenge for all of us is to learn how to protect ourselves...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Evelyn Leite, MHR, LPC, is a survivor of abuse, anxiety and depression who is now 41 years sober with 28 years of experience in the addiction and mental health fields. During this interview with host, Marnie Swedberg, she shares openly and with purpose about: Living through depression, brain fog and confusionHow surrendering to God’s love changes everythingWhy wounded women compartmentalize (and how to help them ??become whole??)Helping women see they are OK (that the "stuff" simply is not theirs)The soul-destroying habit of self-blame and how to help your women finally...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 11/02/2022
Just Fine, Thank You. (Book 1) Evelyn Leite’s true story of growing up in a turbulent family during the 40s and 50s captivates us with feelings like confusion, despair, sorrow and fear, plus unexplainable hope and optimism. Amidst loving her daddy, feeling anxious, yet enjoying big-family gatherings, Leite’s life from age five included neglect, a pedophiliac hired man, mind rape and more. Dance Like There's No Tomorrow (Book 2) Evelyn’s story continues near a cowboy town where she is exposed to multitudes of buff construction workers, fueled with the exuberance...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
They Call It Love - Family Dynamics of Codependency by Evelyn Leite Part 1 ...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 11/14/2022