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Posted by: Kim Aldrich on 12/17/2022

The "Back Pocket Basics" of Making Disciples

Ever have the impulse to invest the gospel in younger believers, yet have no idea where to begin? What if you could learn the relational "back pocket basics" of discipleship before you even begin?


Seasoned coffee date discipler Kim Aldrich shares the time-tested principles she's learned from the Holy Spirit over nearly 20 years of investing the gospel in younger believers. She's distilled these principles down into a 6-part acronym for relational discipleship skills you can easily remember and practice with those in your daily life - til you're ready to start discipling others yourself!

Kim walks the audience through each of the "back pocket basics" step by step, providing a hands-on opportunity for them to practice one (or more) of these "basics" during the event. Soon that scary "d-word" of discipleship will become accessible, practical...and even irresistible!



Learnable relational skills that enable any believer to invest the gospel in others...by turning good conversations into God conversations!


G.A.L.  M.A.P.   (a relational map for discipling women!) 

G - Give 'em Jesus

A - Authenticity

L - Listening


M - Modeling

A - Accountability

P - Prayer

QUOTE: "Once meaningful God conversations become a habit, just add authentic obedience and friendly follow-up...and you've got discipleship!" 


NOTE: Kim is also an accomplished singer/songwriter, so music is always an option at any event she speaks at. If appropriate for your audience, she loves incorporating music into her allotted keynote time. Or upon request, she can add an extra music set, if desired or needed. She also realizes that music is not always a good fit for every situation. Her heart is to work with you and your team to plan the very best event possible for your audience!

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