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Posted by: Gloria Crawford Henderson on 11/13/2022

We were Created with Greatness in Mind

In your interaction with fellow believers, how often have you asked yourself, is this what Christ-centeredness looks like? Why are so many of the faithful so miserable and unproductive? The truth is we often encounter Christians whose light is so faint that we hardly see their Godliness. Perhaps we, ourselves, fit into this category.

Embedded deep within God’s creative process is the imperative to love, grow, and serve. When we sincerely commit to the ongoing transformative metamorphoses of loving God, self, and others; growing spiritually; and serving Him by serving His people—we activate the positive energy of sowing and reaping that gives meaning to our otherwise mundane lives. We light internal flames that may have been lying dormant, and we begin to produce the spiritual fruit that we are hardwired to crave.

 This presentation focuses on the three spiritual practices of unconditional love, continuous growth, and holy service as the engines of enlightenment, revelation, and transformation. It challenges the participants to conduct an objective self-assessment to evaluate the quality of their faith walk, then make the necessary adjustments to implement the sacred purpose that God has in mind for them.

Gloria Crawford Henderson, Owner/CEO 

Age of Discovery, LLC  ageofdiscoverywellness.com 

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