Cherrilynn breaks this teaching down into two parts, Listening to God & Listening to others.Listening to God God's number one Commandment begins with "Hear Oh Israel" the...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 04/01/2016
There is only one way to serve God and that is as a team for best results. Consider the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit all working together in our creation, redemption and...
I would have never imagined being given the role of a Pastor's wife, however, apparently it was part of God's plan because here I am! I have learned and gained so much wisdom being...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 02/23/2016
From my own sense of worthlessness being married to an alcoholic and the emotional trauma that it brought, I discovered Jesus and his overwhelming love. I discovered the princess...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 01/30/2016
Learning to let go of our past, our pain, and the things that haunt us and hold us back. We must take charge, be strong, and live confident and purposefully! 1. Letting Go - Learn...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 01/27/2016
Tis the season for family, fun, food, friends… and so often frustration! We have hope for Norman Rockwell moments, but find ourselves struggling to manage all this time of year brings...
Posted by Carey Scott on 01/08/2016
Ever notice that some people are different from you? As a certified personality trainer, Karen will help your group learn to get along with difficult people and relate to them too. Great...
Posted by Karen Porter on 01/01/2016
It is very hard to understand how a woman thinks, or to truly comprehend how she feels. When it involves a Godly woman, it can become an entirely different dynamic. Sometimes, Men...
Posted by Lynnette Appling, MSHRM, PHR on 12/28/2015
From being abanded by her father to be rejected by people, Lynnette Appling teaches about the hurt, shame and stigma of being fatherless that followed her during her life. This special...
Posted by Lynnette Appling, MSHRM, PHR on 12/28/2015
Most of us do not know that Satan erupts our life with trauma in order to have us become victims of our own circumstances. What we fail to realize is that our trauma is custom made...
Posted by Lynnette Appling, MSHRM, PHR on 12/28/2015
What does it mean to be hospitable? Does it look like the cover of a magazine, or does it look like something far better? Jill delivers (up to) seven practical ways we can understand...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 12/27/2015
There is nothing worse than going through your whole life spiritually blind. Yet so many believers have no clue why they were put here on this earth. Listen if my blind daughter who...
Posted by Laura West on 12/23/2015