Most of us do not know that Satan erupts our life with trauma in order to have us become victims of our own circumstances. What we fail to realize is that our trauma is custom made to fit our mindsets in order to defeat us. However, there is hope, because our deliverance is also custom made for our victory.
There are four main areas that the enemy engages in our lives to cause tremendous doubt and fear; Finances, Relationships, Health and Peace. He attacks these areas with vengeance to get us to curse the one living true God. When we understand the spiritual battle and the mindset and become trained in deliverance, we will then begin to walk in complete victory all the time through the grace of God.
In this lesson you will learn...
What is a Victim?
What is the difference between being a victim and being victimized?
Who are Bildad, Eliphaz and Zophar and what do they have to do with our mindset?
What does the move of the Spirit have to do with our souls?
Why is the Victim Mindset the mose prevalent, paralyzing spirit in the body of Christ? and much, much more...
Lynnette Appling breaks down John 5 and Job and takes us on a true exploration of our foundation and how it was created in order to bring God's people to a established victory that has been already decreed and set as law in the heavenlies and on earth. This teaching is essential for all ministries in order to dissect a cancerous spirit that has plagued the body for much too long.