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Posted by: Cherrilynn Bisbano on 04/01/2016


Cherrilynn breaks this teaching down into two parts, Listening to God & Listening to others.

Listening to God 

God's number one Commandment begins with "Hear Oh Israel"  the word hear means to listen with the intent to obey.

How do we truly listen to God?

What is He saying to us?

Cherrilynn uses Scripture to reveal the answers to these two questions.

Listening to Others.

As women, we love to talk, but do we really listen?

Cherrilynn was a terrible listener.  After she lost a job due to lack of listening, and her friend called her on her rude interruptions, "Cherrilynn, you don't listen to people", she decided to learn to listen.

She will share what she found in the bible, as well as communication courses.  This is a great tool for leaders and ministry heads.

Learn to Glorify God with your ears as you

 +Recognize non-verbal body language    
 +Identify and avoid distractions
 +Obtain complete message
 +Apply the Do's and Don'ts of Active Listening
 +Earn respect from your family and coworkers

Cherrilynn received great advice from a pastor, "We have two ears and one mouth, use then accordingly" and must share how this affected her life.

She now teaches biblical listening and Active listening to churches and corporations.

This teaching can be done in one day or over the entire weekend.

Cherrilynn can teach just one portion of this topic.

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