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Carey Scott

Christian Speaker
Windsor Colorado 80550

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Let's be real... even when real is a little messy.

Let's be real... even when real is a little messy.

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Windsor, CO 80550
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

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Foundations Church
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Experienced (over 10 events)
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More About Carey Scott

Carey Scott is an author, speaker, and life coach, honest about her walk with the Lord… stumbles, fumbles and all. Her passion is reminding women of their immeasurable worth, something the world is quick to discount. She speaks to women’s groups and writes about the issues that matter most to the heart of a woman.

Carey lives in Northern Colorado with her two kids where she tries to be domestic, and appreciates the grace when she’s not. You can learn more by visiting her website and blog at CareyScott.org, or by tracking her down at the closest Starbucks.

Carey Scott Recommendations

Submitted by United Methodist Church on Wednesday, Apr 17, 2024

Susan Kutrubus, Retreat Co-Chair

As Carey spoke at our retreat using her gift of speech, positive energy, humor, and spirit-filled personality, each woman was encouraged to not live by lies, but to live abundant lives through God’s truths.

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Submitted by Discovery Church on Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023

Alina Rich, Women's Ministry Team

Carey is a great speaker. But you know what Carey really did at our retreat? She connected with our women on a deeply spiritual level by speaking Biblical truth to our hearts. She reached out and loved on us individually and made each lesson speak to the heart of each woman. The only explanation I have is that the Holy Spirit moved through her to touch the hearts of all of us.

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Submitted by Crossroads Church on Tuesday, Oct 25, 2022

Dennis Anderson, Pastor Of Adult Ministries

You WILL laugh. You may cry. You will be sitting on the edge of your chair just waiting for what comes next. She's that good. One moment she'll be walking you through a section of the Bible you may never have read. The next moment she'll use it to leverage a truth into your life. Inspiring. Witty. Articulate. Thoughtful. Passionate. Smart. Quick. Engaging. Motivating. Heartfelt. Edgy. Authentic. Anything but boring. That's Carey.

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Submitted by Foothills Community Church on Saturday, Oct 31, 2015

Julie Thomas, Women's Network Director

If you want Mary Poppins at your retreat, Carey is not your girl. If you want a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down, you should honestly look elsewhere. However, if you want a woman who is real and straight-forward, who has her face turned towards God and is pursuing Him with absolutely every fiber of her being, then Carey is your woman.

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Carey Scott Speaking Topics

The Power of Forgiveness

Seriously. Who WANTS to forgive someone’s whose hurt them? So often, it’s a too-tall order. We want to hold on to the offense because we think it’s a way to punish...

Overcoming the Fear Factor

Fear is a big deal. Truth be told, we all struggle with it. We’re afraid to let others down. We fear rejection or abandonment in relationships. We worry we’re not the right...

Untangling Shame

Shame is that 5-letter word that can sometimes feel more like a 4-letter word. It’s the feeling that says who we are … isn’t good enough. We feel bad about ourselves, confident...

Holiday Help: How to Keep Your Tinsel From Getting Tangled

Tis the season for family, fun, food, friends… and so often frustration! We have hope for Norman Rockwell moments, but find ourselves struggling to manage all this time of year brings...

The Authentic Life - Weekend Retreat

As women, we struggle to feel like we’re good enough because we’re constantly told we don’t measure up. We live in a world that says we have to look a certain way, live...

God's Promise of Restoration - Weekend Retreat

With the ever-increasing pace of life in our society, finding time for personal restoration can seem impossible. The treadmill of life speeds up, and we run faster just to keep up....

Loosening the Knots That Tangle Your Self-Worth

Based on her new book release, Untangled… this talk asks the question, “What do you do when the knots of insecurity tangle your sense of value and make you feel worthless?” As...

Untangled: Letting God Loosen the Knots of Insecurity - Weekend Retreat

This retreat series will help women discover their immeasurable value and reclaim their sense of value. It addresses the struggles of fear, shame, worthlessness and unforgiveness that...

Carey Scott Events

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Carey Scott Resources

Unafraid: Be you. Be authentic. Find the grit and grace to shine.

As women, we struggle to feel like we’re good enough because we are bombarded daily with messages that whisper, “Who you are is not okay.” We live in a world that tells us we have to look a certain way, live a certain lifestyle, have husbands who fit a certain mold, and have children that excel in every area of their lives. And rather than thrive in the life we have, we strive to create an existence that impresses others. This impossible treadmill leaves us with deep discontentment and a joyless existence. God doesn’t apologize for how He created us. And while...

Posted by Carey Scott on 06/01/2018

Uncommon: Pursuing a Life of Passion and Purpose

Uncommon  is a battle cry for women to step out of the ordinary and live differently.  It's a blueprint for a life full of passion and purpose. And it has the power to change everything.       Carey Scott, author, speaker, and certified Biblical Life Coach, invites you to journey alongside her as she introduces you to women from the Word who chose to live uncommon lives even in the toughest circumstances. From stepping into scandalous situations to breaking cultural norms to risking the departure of a comfortable life, you will discover hope and motivation to...

Posted by Carey Scott on 04/21/2017

Untangled: Let God Loosen the Knots of Insecurity in Your Life

All women want to feel is valued. But problems arise when we seek confirmation that we are enough using the world's standards. Almost from birth, we are trained to find the approval and acceptance we crave in the eyes of family, friends, and even strangers. The result is that we cannot believe we are who God says we are--accepted, loved, beautiful, and treasured. We get tangled up in the world's assessment and our own self-judgment. With hope-filled writing and plenty of hard-won personal advice, Carey Scott shows women how to untangle their self-esteem from the world and anchor it in Jesus....

Posted by Carey Scott on 11/01/2015

Lord Help Me! 32 Ways to Pray for Your Husband

Maybe you're unsure why praying for your husband is so important. Maybe you're not even sure what things to pray for. Maybe you need help getting started. Lord Help Me! can help, because it answers those questions, plus much more! It also includes: ~ my husband sharing his experience of having a prayerful wife ~ I share my personal journey to become a wife that prays ~ a prayer - just for you - to prepare your heart ~ 32 sample prayers on 32 different topics ~ scripture references for each prayer ~ my personal thoughts, experiences, and challenges in each section ~ reflection questions...

Posted by Carey Scott on 11/01/2015

Let's Get Real: Raising Godly Kids

Anyone can be a parent, but being a Godly parent takes intentionality. Of all the people in the world, God chose you to raise your children. He trusts you to love them… teach them… and pray for them. The devotions in this book will help you in your journey to raise kids who love God and see Him in their everyday lives. ...

Posted by Carey Scott on 11/01/2015

Raising Godly Kids: A Book of Prayers

Of all the weapons in our parenting arsenal prayer is the most powerful. God hears us when we raise our voices to Heaven. But sometimes praying can be a source of frustration because we're not sure we're doing it…right. We feel inadequate in our prayer life. We struggle to find the perfect words. This prayer book is designed to support you as you grow in confidence to become a powerful praying parent. It offers 30 topical prayers and scripture references for each. Friends, we can't let a day go by without praying for our kids. We may be the only ones asking for God's grace and provision...

Posted by Carey Scott on 11/01/2015