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Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
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Louisville, KY

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
First Baptist Tell City, IN
Relationship to Church
Pastors Wife at
Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
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Works with Your Budget

More About Brandy Hopkins


Louisville  Area

located in:

Tell  City, IN 

(812)  508-9708

Brandy  is co-founder of a Teen girls organization called GC3, writes devotions, mentors girls & women, is a youth leader at her church as well as a pastor’s wife. 

Overcoming many of her own personal obstacles, Brandy has had a heart for girls and women for many years. Using her testimony to allow them to see God’s work in her life, she has reached countless numbers of girls and women over the years, teaching them that He can do the same for them. 

For over 10 years, Brandy  has spoken at her teen girls conferences, to women in  group settings, as well as mentored one on one. From writing devotions to running a  newsletter for her employer, Brandy also has a passion for writing. Her devotional, "Letting Go," shares her life experiences and how she learned to let go and let God.  Brandy is featured in the anthology "Faith and Freedom." She is a Lloyd A Balman scholarship winner to the Florida Christian Writers Conference.    

Brandy  resides in Tell City, IN, along with her husband, Dan. She has four adult children who have begun families of their own.  Her five, wonderful grandchildren bring her renewed energy and joy. 

Brandy is a pre-school teacher and a certified, Yoga Faith instructor. When she’s not working, she’s caring for her family, writing devotions, working on youth group material, mentoring girls & women, or planning the next GC3 conference. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and writing. 

If you are interested in having Brandy come to  an event at your church or event, please feel free to contact her with more details.  

Brandy Hopkins Recommendations

Submitted by EverBody's Fun & Fitness, Inc on Monday, Jul 29, 2024

Breanne Walsh, President

Brandy is an excellent speaker. She presents with confidence and compassion. Her presentations are well organized and easy to follow.

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Submitted by Hoosier Uplands on Monday, Dec 19, 2022

Shayna Pena

Brandy is a positive and motivating individual. It is a joy to watch her minister and share her story to those around her. I have watched her grow and share her love for Christ to various groups. One of her largest ministries is the GC3 program that she helped develop. I have had the pleasure of watching her mentor, motivate, encourage, and share with these impressionable young ladies. Often her words change these young ladies attitudes and shape their futures in an uplifting manner. Her positive attitude makes her speaking fun and engaging. I would highly recommend her for any event.

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Submitted by Member Of Everbody's Fitness on Thursday, Oct 28, 2021

Stephanie Strahl -Coach

I am a member of the local gym and am involved in a program called "The Biggest Loser". I had the pleasure of hearing Brandy speak for the first time last week. I was very touched and blown away by her speech. She definitely has a gift for reaching people. Even though there were over 100 people there, I felt like she was talking directly to me. I left feeling motivated and uplifted!

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Submitted by Marengo Wesleyan Church on Thursday, Jul 22, 2021

Leigh Shelton Women's Group Director

Brandy did a great job speaking at our ladies dinner at our church. We had a group of around 80 and everyone was very pleased with her message.

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Submitted by Friend on Wednesday, Jul 10, 2019

Una Kiefner

It is my pleasure to write this letter and recommend Brandy Hopkins to be an inspirational speaker. I have found her to be enthusiastic, organized, and highly creative. She is a lady who listens to others and has insightful views. Her ability to follow through to the end and be thankful to God for the strength to do so has impressed me. For several years she has piloted a weekend gathering for teen girls. She has lead, encouraged, taught, and followed through with them. In return she has found a respect and love from then that has encouraged her also. I believe she will make a powerful speaker to lead others to know Christ and how to manage everyday situations. She uses what God has given her to bring glory to Him. Thank you for this opportunity to tell you about my friend. Una Kiefner

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Submitted by Perry County Public Library on Wednesday, Mar 16, 2016

Ginger Alvey; Business Manager

Hello, I am both a friend and a co-worker of Brandy Hopkins. Brandy is a great person. She is professional in a working environment and very easy to be around, all her co-workers love her. She is open, willing, conversational and very sincere. Brandy is very strong in her faith and I personally love talking with her about it because I feel she is so sincere and would like everyone to celebrate in it! I would highly recommend Brandy in a pursuit of Christ centered spiritual enrichment.

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Submitted by Perry County Public Library - Tell City on Wednesday, Mar 16, 2016

Sharman Jarboe, Library Assistant

I was privileged to listen to Brandy Hopkins as she addressed a group of about 80 women at a Lenten Breakfast. She was engaging, inspiring, and thought-provoking. We were one attentive group! I believe we all left the meeting feeling positive about ourselves, as well as with much to think and pray about. I highly recommend Brandy as a speaker.

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Submitted by First Baptist Church, Mitchell, IN on Wednesday, Mar 02, 2016

Marty Nicol

I came to know Brandy Hopkins when she moved to our community and church as our pastor's wife. Brandy is a devout Christian and is willing to share her experiences and gifts to witness what God has done in her life. Although she and her family have moved from our community, she has maintained ties by returning every fall to host a conference for junior high/senior high girls, to encourage them in their walk with Christ. Brandy is warm and always has a smile and something encouraging to say to everyone she meets. She is passionate about sharing the gospel wherever she goes!

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Submitted by Perry County Public Library on Friday, Feb 26, 2016

Paul Sanders, Assistant Director

It is an honor for me to recommend Brandy as an inspirational speaker, or for any other endeavor, for that matter. I have not known Brandy long, but it did not take long to know her. She is an articulate woman, and she brings passion and enthusiasm to every thing she does. What is striking is that she tends to make people she comes in contact with want to be a better person. I have not met many people with that gift. She is serious and she is funny. I can easily visualize Brandy inspiring people of all ages; she has a connection with people you simply can't teach.

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Submitted by N/A on Wednesday, Feb 24, 2016

Samantha Galey

I would definitely recommend Brandy Hopkins as a public speaker! Brandy is an amazing woman with such a big heart! I believe that she has the power to impact a lot of lives! She definitely has changed my life for the better!

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Submitted by Marriage And Family Alliance on Wednesday, Feb 24, 2016

Marcy Pedersen

Brandy is a faithful servant of God. She has a big heart, which helps her to love the youth she mentors, the church she serves, her family and friends. Brandy has been schooled through her trials, and always emerges faithful to God and His plan for her life. She would be an excellent speaker for any event, and has a lot to offer your organization or event. I recommend her highly.

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Submitted by Northside Baptist Church on Wednesday, Feb 24, 2016

Carolyn Speckman

Brandy is a wonderful wife and mother who has a deep concern for young girls. She created a weekend retreat several years ago that mentors and teaches teen girls about the Christian life and encourages them during a challenging time in their lives. Interest and attendance in the retreat has grown each year. Brandy is also a pastor's wife and mentors other women in her church and community. When Brandy moved to her current home in Tell City, IN she observed the bullying the teens were experiencing in the schools and opened her home each week for young people to meet and talk about the situation. Brandy loves the Lord and her personality shines for Him.

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Submitted by Inspired Hearts Photography on Tuesday, Feb 23, 2016

Nikki Edrington, Business Owner and Christian Ministries Student

Having both worked with Brandy and been an attendee at her GC3 conferences, I have the utmost trust and faith in Brandy's calling. Her knowledge of the Bible, as well as her distinct ability to discern between truth and lie, is a trait desirable for all Christians. Brandy is an encouraging and relatable speaker who has truly experienced and overcome trials in life. She speaks with bold confidence from the Spirit, is gentle but firm in her words, and is prepared for many different speaking situations.

Submitted by Bedford Times Mail on Monday, Feb 22, 2016

Lorna Joyce Mundy, Newspaper columnist, Registered Nurse, retired

I have been associated with Brandy in GC3, the group that she co-founded, and as a fellow church member. She is an inspiration to all around her, and especially to the girls in whom she hopes to instill Christian values and to direct down paths leading to worthwhile and fulfilling lives.

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Brandy Hopkins Speaking Topics

One On One

Drowning out the "Noise" of life and focusing on Jesus. Having One on One time with Him only; shutting out every distraction so we can clearly hear what He has to say to us. Just as...

Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 02/19/2016

Ten O'Clock Monster

Constructing your day so you have emotional and physical energy for your husband. My husband and I have this running joke that I am a "Ten O'Clock" monster; at ten p.m. I am not...

Made New

 Relying fully on Christ through every tough moment of turning down chocolate to running 10 miles, my journey to health has done more than just shed pounds for me. It's changed...


Raised in poverty by a single mother, Brandy shares her story of how Christ came into her life helping her to not only overcome her past but become who she was created to be. Brandy...

Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 02/21/2016

You have a NAME!

I would have never imagined being given the role of a Pastor's wife, however, apparently it was part of God's plan because here I am! I have learned and gained so much wisdom being...

Image of Christ

There are times in our lives when we get lost in the waves of life washing over us attempting to wipe out our identity. From childhood to adult years, so many life events can cause...

Power of Prayer

There are times in our lives when we become paralyzed to the events going on around us wondering why the Lord hasn't helped us. My dear sister, my question to you is this. Have you...

Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 03/03/2016

Overcoming Doubt

Do you have a hard time with pursuing a dream? Applying for a job or a promotion because you don't feel "good enough"? Listen to Brandy as she shares how she's overcome...

Embracing Your Cross

Hear Brandy as she shares ways to embrace your cross in the midst of trials while pressing on towards the goal set before you. ...


Ladies, are you aware of how many times we allow the spirit of fear to dictate our lives? From life decisions to making friends, it's concerning to think of all of the blessings we've...


There's nothing like being called to the mission field to test your faith. From being stranded in India to misplacing her passport in Guatemala, the Lord has shown Himself in ways...

Breaking Free

   Listen to Brandy share her testimony of how she survived an abusive relationship and how the Lord has restored her heart, soul, and mind. From struggling with feelings...

Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 02/23/2016

Am I Guilty?

Do you struggle with feelings of guilt? So many times, we women fight on a daily basis the feeling of guilt. Whether it be because of something to do with our children or how our lives...

My Own Personal Assistant

I recently made the comment to someone that I need my own personal assistant. Life was getting busy to say the least! A couple of days later, I thought that again. And that's when...

Letting Go

From letting go of her past to letting go of her children, Brandy wants to share with you how the Lord has grown her through these times. God has so much for our lives and holding...


No one likes change but it's the inevitable we all must face. Isn't it assuring that our Heavenly Father never changes, though? Through the midst of change, we can fully...

how not to worry

Have you ever found yourself thinking, "Something's wrong because I have nothing to worry about"? So many times in our lives as women we are consumed with worry. From...

Taming the tongue

Being  wife can be very  hard sometimes! Listen as Brandy shares how the Lord has taught her to be careful with her tongue when speaking to her husband. We are called to...

Moments In Between

Do you dread the moments in between? The moments in life when it's quiet and you feel all alone.  The moments between church days or after a long day when things are quiet...

God's Biggest Loser

Becoming a better you is way more than a number on the scale. From losing 60lbs to shedding spiritual weight, Brandy wants to share with you how God took her on a journey of loss with...

Rise, Trials, Hardship

Life is tough.  What do you do when those tough moments/ days/weeks come? Listen to Brandy as she shares how she learned how to rise above, claiming the promises of God through...

Why Me Lord

Do you ever just feel not good enough? Or wonder how God could love someone like you? Listen to Brandy as she shares how she overcame the "not good enough" status to the...

Loving and Leaning On Jesus

Life is tough and we, especially women, tend to carry things on our own. Too proud to reach out for help but creating chaos within ourselves as we try to do it all on our own. Hear...

Beautifully His - Teens

Life is hard, especially when you are a teenage girl. From trying to fit in to finding your worth and who you are, hard times can bring a young girl down. Brandy shares her experience...


Divorce is a loss. A loss of a life you thought you'd always have and, in some cases, a loss of who you are. Listen as Brandy shares her experience of overcoming the gut wrenching...


How many times have you lost sleep because you can't stop worrying? The stresses of work, the family dynamics, the situation you never imagined being in yet here you are. If this...

Brandy Hopkins Events

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Brandy Hopkins Resources

Letting Go: Devotional Stories from My life

Letting Go   Letting go in life doesn't come easy but it's the inevitable in which we all must face. From learning to let go and fully relying on God, to letting go of her children, Brandy wants to share how God has worked in her life by teaching her how to let go with hopes that it will help you on your own journey of letting go. ...

Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 12/23/2016

Faith and Freedom

As part of an anthology, Brandy shares how she broke the chains of spiritual bondage and accepted freedom in Christ.  ...

Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 07/10/2018