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Jill Richardson

Christian Speaker
Warrenville Illinois 60555

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Picturing Faith with the Next Generation

Picturing Faith with the Next Generation

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Warrenville, IL 60555
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Resolution Church
Relationship to Church
Pastor at
Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
Fee Range
Works with Your Budget

More About Jill Richardson

 Jill's specialty and passion is her byline --Reframed: Picturing Faith with the Next Generation. Her favorite experiences are helping people overcome their fears, watching generations learn together, encouraging others to find their passionate voice, and opening people to their potential in God's great kingdom. Jill is available for online events.


 Jill has been an author and speaker for twenty-five years, winning several awards for both along the journey. She is a writer, speaker,  and reader of topics that start with grace, courage, freedom, hope, and restoration. Her mission is to empower the next generation of Christ followers, working together to unleash their calling to transform God’s Kingdom. 

 Jill has a doctorate in Church Leadership in a Changing Culture and focused her research on doing faith with the next generation. Her experience in teaching and community theater add “flair” to her speaking and writing talents. She has spent a great deal of time speaking for MOPS, retreats, high schools, writers conferences, and holiday events.

Jill has been an editor for Tyndale House and currently freelance edits. Her five books include Hobbits, You, and the Spiritual World and Don't Forget to Pack the Kids: Short Term Missions for Your Whole Family. She has also contributed to books from Christianity Today and Lillenas Publishers. Her many articles have appeared in places such as (in)courage, MOPS, Christianity Today Pastors, Women LeadersDisney's FamilyFun, Christian Parenting Today, and Chicago Parent, and she is a contributor to her denominational magazine, Light and Life, as well as several online blogs.

Jill is also a fan of Earl Grey tea, the Cubs, rocky beaches, fish tacos, Tolkien, travel, musical theater, and her three daughters, one husband, and three cats. You can find her blogging here.

Jill Richardson Recommendations

Submitted by Resolution Church on Friday, Dec 06, 2024

Erick Ewaskowitz, Lead Pastor

Jill's many years of experience in ministry, drama, and writing give her a unique blend of gifts that is a blessing to both the church and the community. Her creativity and artistry are rare qualities, and her voice is one that needs to be heard. We are blessed to have her as a part of Resolution Church.

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Submitted by Minneapolis First Free Methodist Church on Monday, Jun 05, 2023

Ken Henry, Retired Pastor

"When Jill accepted our offer to be our preaching pastor, our congregation was very enthused over her speaking and preaching. They enjoyed her command of the language and the Bible and its application. I personally kept all her freelance articles in my sermon files and used them as illustrations in sermons. She spoke and wrote from personal experience and from creative stories and in a very clear way. She also showed us a heart for the salvation and spiritual welfare for her neighbors, not only at church but in her neighborhood and in the way she taught and exampled for her children. This impressed us all. Jill persevered in getting her M.Div and achieving the award of Best Preaching from Bethel despite the obstacles--I'm grateful to have been a part of that."

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Submitted by Hartline Literary Agency on Friday, Jan 27, 2023

Diana Flegel, Agent

Jill is a well traveled and published author with a relevant message for today's Christian Woman. She will delight the listeners, and they will leave with a broader knowledge of who they are in Christ as well as have enjoyed her fellowship.

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Jill Richardson Speaking Topics

Perfect Is the Enemy of Good Enough

Are you exhausted by living amid the cult of excellence? Convinced that anything less than 110% is a failure? Scared that making mistakes means you are a failure? Or do you have the...

Happily Ever After

Recapturing our children’s imagination in a video age. Are we losing that spark of creativity in this generation? What's bad about that? How can you combat the trend when...

I've Got a Gun in My Garage, a Sword in My Car, and a Body in My Freezer--Life Lessons from Comm

Life is full of improvising, creating something out of nothing, getting out there ready or not, and helping others take the lead. A humorous look at what God has taught me through...


It takes bravery indeed to suggest not being available 24/7 in a plugged in world. We worry about the studies that suggest too much screen time harms our kids. Yet even we adults know...

How Come I Was So Nice Before I Had Kids?

An exploration of the changes motherhood brings and the anger we never expected to erupt in our storybook lives. Are you the only one who feels like Mom of the Year is not quite within...

All Stressed Up & No Place To Go

What does it mean to be hospitable? Does it look like the cover of a magazine, or does it look like something far better? Jill delivers (up to) seven practical ways we can understand...

Surrender Isn't for Cowards

Especially in our current climate of hostility and "never give an inch" mentality, surrender sounds like a dirty word. No one surrenders--we fight until the bitter end. I...

Identity Theft

So many conflicting voices tell us who we are and who we are supposed to be. We can easily get turned around and disoriented by the many expectations and pressures we feel every day...

Those Meddling Kids: Understanding, Teaching, and Learning from the Millennial Generation

Millennials are making an exodus from the church, so what is behind their seeming disinterest in God? If we're passionate about understanding the next generation, we have to know...

Families on Mission

Can toddlers serve God? How about teenagers? Why would we make the effort, given that just getting them to church is like training for Ironman? Serving with our children, at any age,...

Hobbits, Dragons, and Your Own Epic Kingdom Story

What makes epic stories epic? Why does there seem to be such a longing for epic heroes these days, from our movies to our daily news? What is the lure of story, and why do we all want...

The AWOL Generation: Helping Churches Discover Why the "Kids" Are Leaving and What To Do about it

Churches across the board are searching for ways to stop the "leak" of our next generation leaving church after high school. Yet no new programs or special ministries seem...

The Work of Play

Play is something we think we’ve outgrown. Yet in today’s world where everything has to go on a resume to matter, play is making a comeback. Research shows that play makes...

Raising Kids in a #MeToo World

All parents fear what could happen to their daughters in a #MeToo world. We know sexual predators are out there, and we don't really know where. We would love to have the tools...

Failing Successfully

Who would think that failure had anything to do with hope? Yet an inability to fail well is at the root of many peoples' fear, worry, and lack of initiative. Strangely, fear of...

Communicating in a Sound Bite Age

Modern  attention spans last three second, and we remember less than 5 percent of what we hear. Speakers, writers, teachers, and other communicators need new tools to communicate...

Posted by Jill Richardson on 02/15/2021

Jill Richardson Events

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Jill Richardson Resources

Hobbits, You, and the Spiritual World

What can the bravery of a hobbit, the faith of a elf, or the greed of a dragon teach us about ourselves? How can their stories lead us to the real Kingdom where God is weaving His fantasy world into reality? In Hobbits, You, and the Spiritual World of Middle-Earth , Jill Richardson overlays the Bible with the The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, giving us a peek into God's fantasy world - a world of wonder and awe. Discover the deep spiritual truths found in J.R.R. Tolkien's classic characters and learn how to apply then in your own epic story. Find it here . ...

Posted by Jill Richardson on 11/10/2015

Don't Forget to Pack the Kids: Short-term Missions for the Whole Family

Think mission trips are only for teenagers and adults-no-kids? Think again. Do you long to: --See your kids understand other cultures and levels of privilege? --Help them realize they can be ministers at any age? --Inject compassion and generosity into your daily life and their future? --Do something meaningful for others now? Don't let fears that your kids are too young, you don't have the money or the time, or anything else stop you. Start planning that life-changing experience now! Detailed, step-by-step instructions to make it happen fill this book. Pack the kids--and go!...

Posted by Jill Richardson on 11/10/2015

All Stressed up and No Place to Go: Being Hospitable During the Holidays without Being a Hot Mess

Do you believe stress and holidays have to by synonymous? Not this year! Simple ideas and tips for enjoying your holidays while learning to be hospitable in the real sense of the word. Whatver your stage in life, circumstances, or budget, there are ideas here for you. Most important, there is help for releasing expectations, banishing perfectionism, welcoming your family into the preparation, and resting in the real purpose of Christmas.  Find it here . ...

Posted by Jill Richardson on 11/10/2015

Communication Strategies for Speakers - Video Interview

During this hour with Marnie and guest, Jill Richardson, you’ll discover Communication Strategies for Speakers including:    • How to lock in the longevity and relevance of your ministry and messages.  • Communication strategies for a sound bite world.  • Interactive techniques that work with women.  • How to narrow down your message to maximize your impact.  • What to do when confusion, overwhelm or lack clarity define the day (or season).  • Identifying and addressing the #1 cause of communication failure. Dr. Jill...

Posted by Jill Richardson on 06/14/2021