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Posted by: Tracy Lewis on 01/27/2016

Using Your Pain to Make You Strong

Learning to let go of our past, our pain, and the things that haunt us and hold us back. We must take charge, be strong, and live confident and purposefully! 

1. Letting Go - Learn to let go of the things in our past that has damaged us. 

2. Forgiving those who have hurt us- Learn what forgiveness does to the one doing the forgiving and the healing that is involved. 

3. Forgiving ourselves- Stop the blame game. Take what responsibility is ours, accept it. Many, many times people feel great pain over the choices they have made in life and even though they may ask God to forgive them over and over, they still do not feel free from it. In learning to forgive themselves, they can finally let go of the final piece that holds them back.

4. Moving forward as a Victor - Changing our outlook does nothing if we do not do something with it. We must no longer live life as if we are defeated. In order to gain control of the past, we must use those painful lessons to propel us forward with passion and with our humble head held high, so that all can see the change.

5. Pay it Forward- Once out of the rut, forgiveness given and received, then we set out to help others who are hurting and need to know how to change their life and where to find healing.

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