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Posted by: Brandy Hopkins on 02/23/2016

You have a NAME!

I would have never imagined being given the role of a Pastor's wife, however, apparently it was part of God's plan because here I am! I have learned and gained so much wisdom being my husband's partner on this journey. From patience, forgiveness, self-control, and pretty much all of the fruits of the Spirit, the Lord has definitely stretched me from here to kingdom come!! (And beyond) Let me tell ya, sister, it hasn't always been fun! And soooo many times I meet people who say "Oh, you're the Pastor's wife at TCFBC!". I smile and say, "yes, and I am also Brandy!" Grace lades, we have to show grace here! 

 However, through it all, He has, and always will, remain my comforter, my guide, my daddy, and my all. Being a pastor's wife is no easy task but if the Lord has called you to it, He will provide the strength you need to be it. Don't lose heart, my sister! You are so very important to God! It's not all about the Pastor, it's about you, too!! Jeremiah 29:11; You can do this! 

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