What if scripture taught you how to be content, and you kicked wicked thinking to the curb, and your old disgruntled heart spilled over with new peace and joy.Linda saw CONTENTMENT...
Posted by Linda Keller on 12/11/2024
Jesus used the Psalms not just as a memorization activity; he experienced them when he sang Psalm 118 before going to the Garden of Gethsemane and quoted from Psalms 22 and 31...
Would you do it if you knew this one thing would give you the greatest JOY, PEACE, and FREEDOM? What length are you willing to go to find it? The cross is just the beginning,...
It's so easy to let God's love be up for debate with how life is going. We let circumstances decide us instead of being decided by Jesus. Being rooted deeply in Christ's...
This is Deborah's legacy, teaching women how to go from tragedies to testimonies through story-telling and the cross of Christ. You don't want your ladies to miss this!...
Posted by Deborah Lovett on 04/08/2024
Do you need God's help to forgive? is it hard to let go? By hanging on to unforgiveness we suffocate God's peace for our lives. But I thought I did forgive? Is...
Posted by Cindy Russell Lippincott on 03/05/2024
Developing healthy, authentic multiethnic relationships does not happen by chance. In our racially divided world, we need the power of the cross to be our guide if we are to truly...
Session One: Intimacy with God, Scripture Focus: Psalm 27:4 The starting point of embracing intimacy with God is understanding the significance of Jesus'...
Do you ever feel like you are in a battle for your family, your faith, or the full life that Jesus paid the price for on the cross? In this breakthrough session, we will break down...
Posted by Tiffany Jo Baker on 09/14/2023
Everyone will go through trials in their life but it is how you go through them that makes the difference in how long you stay. God loves us so much, He ensured eternity with...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
The world we live in is dark, it is following after things that are not of God. Like a veil over their eyes, they cannot see where they are headed. But the day Jesus was placed on...
Posted by Stefanie Jane Martino on 10/25/2022
A Faith to MountainsAs we dive into Mathew 17:1-20 we see Jesus taking his discipe's to the top of the mountain with him and there we learn of the glory of His person, His...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 08/12/2022