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Posted by: Stefanie Jane Martino on 10/25/2022

The Princess in the Night

The world we live in is dark, it is following after things that are not of God. Like a veil over their eyes, they cannot see where they are headed. But the day Jesus was placed on the cross the veil was torn. God is calling His children, teaching them to walk in the daylight, highly esteemed, self-confident, and without fear. We are His royal family through the work on the cross. We were created for our eternal home. Destined to walk through the challenges of this dark world. God has equipped us for His plan. Respecting our place at His royal table will challenge us to live here and now with purpose. When we tap into our God-given power and strength, we can have the courage to be whom God called us to be. Being confident in the family of God changes our dynamics. The way we operate will be different when we accept who we are in Christ, we are God’s princess in the night.

Stefanie Jane Martino

Sharing Hope In Healing 


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