Would you do it if you knew this one thing would give you the greatest JOY, PEACE, and FREEDOM? What length are you willing to go to find it? The cross is just the beginning,...
Are you tired, weary, or on the verge of burn out? Are you ready to embrace God's promise of rest? Hannah invites women to rest in a way that God offers it to us from Genesis to...
Unlock Spiritual Growth Hacks: Embrace Your inner Warrior of Virtue, Conquer Obstacles, Align with Life's Rhythms, and Deepen Your Connection with God.From Barb:Wouldn’t...
God miraculously provided two homes for Keli, 12 years apart. Both came through Facebook. Fully furnished. During times when finding a home—on paper—was nearly impossible.But...
Theme: Contentment and Grace through the Rhythms of Life. “Be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’”...