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Posted by: Linda Keller on 12/11/2024

Contentment: Fact or Fiction? Scripture Spills the Beans

 What if scripture taught you how to be content, and you kicked wicked thinking to the curb, and your old disgruntled heart spilled over with new peace and joy.

Linda saw CONTENTMENT as a hoax.  Was her lack of contentment the result of some deserved punishment?   Is it really possible to find CONTENTMENT in all things?  Sounds more like fiction than fact.

"I've Got a Secret" was one of television's first game shows.  Celebrity panelists tried to guess the secret of a studio contestant.  Paul of the Bible would have made an excellent contestant.  He claimed to know the secret to an unpopular state of mind, CONTENTMENT.

Linda shares her story of pride, depression, and irritation resulting from her living condition. Shouldn't it be a law for small apartments to have windows? Panic attacks and embarrassment prevented her from inviting friends over to visit.  Linda should've thrown pride out the window. But there were no windows.

Linda warns that discontent is more than unscriptural. It's dangerous to your mind and body.  When your body experiences stress, watch out.  The brain will release hormones and activate the fight or flight response to prepare your body for action.  Most likely, these actions won't be holy, and you find yourself gathering a new heap of remorse

Linda is a singer/songwriter, and spoken word poetry artist.  Here is a snippet:                                                         There's No Remorse When You Repent                                                                                                                               "Hey Ladies, wanna know how to stay outta Hades?  Tired of a life of discontent?  Tired of dreams that disorient? Ever notice your promise of luck is packed with lies?  That's Satan's job. He don't compromise. You don't need a reminder how to be kinder. You know when you dropped the ball, about to take a fall, and it's hard to take back it all. There's no remorse when you repent. Jesus, the one from the cross, has been sent, armed with peace and forgiveness. No joke. Hundred per cent. I double dog dare you tell Pretty Boy Satan, scram. You're evicted. No more rent."     (To be continued at your women's event.) 

The Bible tells us CONTENTMENT is possible. In any situation. The secret to resting through difficulties is TRUSTING GOD.  We can't accomplish this with the enemy breathing down our neck.  We don't settle into contentment by ourselves.  Philippians 4:13 is crucial. " I can do all things through him who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:12-13 "I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than enough. I have learned this SECRET, so that anywhere, at any time, I am CONTENT, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or too little. I HAVE THE STRENGTH TO FACE ALL CONDITIONS BY THE POWER THAT CHRIST GIVES ME." 

CONTENTMENT IS FACT, NOT FICTION.    Three take-aways at your event:  

  1. Put on your boots, Buttercup.  Discover how to kick discontent to the curb.
  2. A change of mind can change your surroundings.
  3. Discontent is disrespectful to your body and brain, according to science and scripture.                                                                                                                                     

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