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Posted by: Darci Steiner on 06/11/2024

The Power of the Psalms

Jesus used the Psalms not just as a memorization activity; he experienced them when he sang Psalm 118 before going to the Garden of Gethsemane and quoted from Psalms 22 and 31 while he died on the cross. If Jesus was strengthened and comforted by the Psalms, imagine what experiencing them can do for you.

If you want to learn how to use the Psalms in your life instead of just memorize favorite verses, invite Darci to inspire your audience with this uplifting message. We turn to the Psalms most often when we are hurting because no other book in the Bible resonates with our emotions so intensely. The Psalms are the favorite book of the Bible, but most don't know all there is to learn from their messages contained in their backstories. 

Open the curtain to the stories behind the Psalms so that you can see their surrounding circumstances. What was David experiencing? Who was he with? Where was he? How did he handle the situation? Why did David write psalms/songs? By learning the answers to these questions, you will learn how to seek God’s heart and relate with him more intimately! 

When the backstories of the Psalms are integrated with the Psalm, they pop out like a children's pop-up book. Darci has immersed herself in the Psalms for three years to study, research, and learn the significance of the parts of the Psalms we don't understand. She loves to tell their stories to insert a dose of inspiration to those who hear.

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