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Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Dayton, OH 45458
United States of America

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Centerville Community
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Full Time (over 20 events per year)
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More About Deborah Lovett

Deborah Lovett believes that women today need to leave a legacy! She has written 3 books, co-authored two and is a writing coach! Now more than ever before, this is the time to step up! She is willing to work with you on your theme, subject and budget. VERY FLEXIBLE.  Learn more at www.DeborahLovett.org.


Deborah is a God-driven speaker who captivates her audiences with humor and real-life experiences, motivating them to develop a stronger relationship with Christ. She is a powerful, engaging storyteller whose content is always rooted in the Word of God.

The Holy Spirit has taught Deborah how God desires to give us victory in all circumstances. Her passion is to speak to women about how they can fall in love with Jesus because HE chose them, how they can live IN CHRIST and ARISE out of difficult circumstances through love, forgiveness and the grace of God.

Deborah is best known for her book “ARISE: Out of the Ashes,” which chronicles the complete loss of her home, the two gifts God left among the ashes, and the redemption that followed.

Deborah began as a Women's Ministry Leader in a large church in Ohio. After planning, organizing and teaching for many years, God directed her to begin writing her own studies and her first award winning book, Gushing Springs. The writing in turn led her to testify to women on God's behalf. She stepped out in faith and churches began calling. She hasn't looked back, speaking at conferences and events from coast to coast.

At one time she was the President of the South Dayton Christian Women's Club, she also wrote magazine articles for the Alliance Magazine, did radio interviews for Sirius XM radio, and appeared on other talk shows. Currently she not only speaks to live audiences but does many online teachings as well. She also coaches women who desire to speak and write for the Lord in order to build up the Kingdom of God.

Deborah Lovett Recommendations

Submitted by Gathered In Grace Member on Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024

Jenn Reasinger

Deborah gave me so many things to think about, and how I could change my life for the better. She also showed us the symbolic gifts that were left behind from her fire, and how that changed her life. I have the sight of her pewter bread plate and the bright white (unscathed) pages of her Bible forever imprinted in my mind and in my heart. Her story, how she shared it, and how her Faith has guided her in miraculous ways has provided such a powerful, and positive example for my life. I feel like my life was changed forever after reading her book and listening to her story. Deborah has helped me to realize that God will ALWAYS provide. Always, Always, Always! I am forever grateful to have "found" her and able to apply the lessons she learned in her life, to change my perspective of life. God's love never fails. He always provides beauty for ashes!

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Submitted by Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church on Thursday, Mar 16, 2023

Hinka Gilbert, Pastors Wife

It is with great pleasure that we wholeheartedly recommend Deborah Lovett as a speaker. Deborah made the story of the “Woman at the Well” come alive. We felt as if we were personally sitting at the well with Jesus. We could all identify with the struggles and difficulties that this woman had in her life. Deborah’s message was filled with hope and conviction that we all can have a new perspective on living in a greater fullness and understanding. Her encouraging manner gave us fresh insight into how we too can grow. Her other topic, “Arise and Shine” was given with passion and provided the women with the tools they need to experience an intimate and honest relationship with God. Deborah has a gift for honestly sharing her personal experiences and giving solid Biblical wisdom to women. Her transparent, personable sincere and humorous manner is sprinkled throughout her speaking and writing. We would highly recommend Deborah as a motivational retreat/conference speaker.

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Submitted by Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church on Friday, Jul 29, 2022

Marty Kaprath, Women's Ministry Director

Scripture came vividly alive as Deborah shared the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. Deborah’s conviction and passion, deeply rooted scripture, made every woman present wear the skin of the Samaritan woman and receive the grace and mercy of our Lord. She made the point of Jesus as our Savior, our all-knowing God, clear to the seasoned Christian as well as to someone new to Christianity. Deborah transfers her personal tragedies into a statement of faith that is compelling and encouraging to all. Deborah is a God-driven speaker who captivates her audience. Her ability to weave humor and real-life experiences into God’s Word motivates all who hear to a stronger relationship with Christ. She is a powerful, engaging speaker, strongly rooted in the Word of God.....

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Submitted by UD Center For Leadership on Monday, Feb 14, 2022

Robin Brun

Deborah is an amazing speaker, writer and teacher! She speaks straight from the heart and into yours! I've attended two of Deborah's ADVANCES and left feeling drenched in the love of Christ! My desire to grow in my faith through the scriptures was developed from Deborah. Her teaching style, personal stories and deep love for Christ has had a lasting impact on me and has left me hungry for more! I can't wait to attend her next ADVANCE.

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Submitted by Author, My Dream Catalyst on Monday, Jun 28, 2021

Mary Miller

Until I heard Deborah Lovett speak, I did not believe that a Christian women's event could be so real, loving and non-judgmental. This is because of who Deborah is! And her speaking style, team and spirit. Her love for Jesus radiates from her and this creates an atmosphere of near instant trust in the attendees through her genuineness and authentic style. Her humor, wit and wisdom not only make you love her more but give you a deep desire to know and love Christ with all you are.

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Submitted by East Auburn Baptist Church on Monday, Sep 23, 2019

Dot Doiron, Women's Ministry Leader

Deborah is a master at connecting the dots to God being at work in her life. She is always listening for God and expecting to hear from Him. Her life stories are compelling and encouraging. Her teachings are relatable and compelling. She has such a warm and welcoming personality. From the moment you meet her she feels like one of the girls. I’m thankful for her transparency and honesty. Her love for Jesus is so evident and inspiring. She is the real deal. I’m so thankful she spoke at our women’s retreat and God has been using her teachings to help heal, challenge and grow us here at EABC.

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Submitted by MIssionary Alliance Church on Monday, Sep 23, 2019

David Klinsing, District Superintendent Of The Ohio Valley District

I have known Deb Lovett for nearly 12 years and I know her to speak as she lives with Christ like character, competency and clarity.

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Deborah Lovett Speaking Topics

Psalm 91 for such a Time as This!

Unlock the secrets to this powerful Psalm as we discover how to tap into God’s protection and walk away from fear into the arms of faith.===This is a one or two message topic....

The Woman at the Well

Trade your anxiety, disappointments, and offensiveness for contentment, peace and agape love as Deborah leads you through this program, concluding with a demonstration not soon to...

A.R.I.S.E: Out of the Ashes!

Using the acronym A.R.I.S.E, Deborah shows the video of her home burning to the ground, shares the two amazing things that survived, and vividly portrays parables that connect the...

The 7 P’s of Biblical Time Management

Discover a joyful, peaceful life as Deborah shares how to master Biblical Time Management principles including overcoming procrastination, finding purpose, prioritization, practical...

Do Not Worry

Worry robs us of peace, steals our joy, and cripples our ability to serve Christ. During this session, you’ll discover how to move from anxiety to peace, and from stress to contentment.---How...


When disaster strikes, it is good to be ready. Jesus was constantly telling us be ready! This teaching will give women tools that will help them not only arise, but arise restored!...

Leaving a Legacy

Jesus told stories for us to live by. We can do the same, leaving stories for our loved ones to hear our faith stories, encourage them with hope, or even by writing a letter to your...

You have been picked out- not picked on!

This is Deborah's legacy, teaching women how to go from tragedies to testimonies through story-telling and the cross of Christ. You don't want your ladies to miss this!...

Deborah Lovett Events

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Deborah Lovett Resources

Gushing Springrs

35 daily devotionals/7 week study on the Woman at the Well. The only world she knew was a world of broken promises, hidden agendas, and disappointments. Her heart was broken in pieces. Her struggle, though, wasn’t against memories. Her real adversary was the “enemy of her soul,” who had stolen from her, lied to her, and tried to destroy her life. He had to be overcome. The tables, though, were about to be turned. She was going to be changed from the inside out. By God’s gracious power, she would be given a purpose and stop being a victim. Instead, she was about to become...

Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/23/2019

Women Gathered FB Group

A community of PRAYING women WARRIORS who desire to be inspired, discipled, and coached in the Word of God. Together we learn more about who we are by further understanding who He is and by lifting up each other in prayer. Hosted by Deborah Lovett & Michele Giletto. ...

Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/23/2019

BeLive.TV Interview featuring Deborah Lovett

Deborah Lovett / Bellbrook, OH /  www.WomenOfTheWell.org   FAITH it ‘til you make it—to heaven that is!God’s Word is the closed captioning for the hearing impaired!You are not being picked on; you are being picked out!Don’t get stuck on the sticky paper of life!When we drink the Living Water, we have the H2O to Outlove, Outlast, and Outlive everyone.We need to ADVANCE the Kingdom of God, not RETREAT!God left His calling card for us: The Bible.Truth travels by way of testimony.Never say God didn’t give you a BMW! “Believe Me Woman!” John 4:21Is...

Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/26/2019

ARISE: Out of the Ashes

ARISE: Out of the Ashes chronicles Deborah Lovett's incredible journey back after losing everything to a devastating house fire. She found two astonishing treasures in the ashes. Find out what they were. You will NEVER recover from this story. ...

Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/23/2019

Fresh Image Women's Retreat Flier

Deborah Lovett - Speakery Women helping and encouraging each other to a deeper growing relationship with Jesus Christ, through HIS word, prayer and fellowship, so that we will be a reflection of HIS IMAGE IN OUR WORLD FOR TODAY. ...

Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/23/2019