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Posted by: Kimberly Hooper on 01/26/2024

Journey to Intimacy with God - Four Session Retreat

Session One: Intimacy with God, Scripture Focus:  Psalm 27:4   The starting point of embracing intimacy with God is understanding the significance of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice on the cross. With his death, Jesus removed the partition that separated God and Man, granting us direct access to the Father. This access allows us to confidently approach God, knowing we are welcomed into His presence. We will explore cultivating a genuine, intimate relationship with God, rather than merely going through religious motions.

Session Two: Embracing our New Nature in Christ, Scripture Focus: Ephesians 4:22-24; 1 Peter 1:7; Proverbs 3:5-6   When we embrace Jesus as our Lord we are not automatically transformed. We begin the process of sanctification and over time integrate God’s truth into our lives. We will explore how to renew our minds in harmony with God’s truth and walk in the new nature that is in Christ Jesus. Tested and tried in the fire – we are brought forth as gold.

Session Three: God’s Purpose and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Scripture Focus: Romans 12:1-2, 5-8, Ephesians 4:1-7, 1 Peter 4:10-11, Ephesians 5:8, Mark 2:22   As we grow in understanding of God’s purpose for our lives and yield to the presence of the Holy Spirit within, we will be empowered to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. Understanding and using our spiritual gifts to serve and build up the body of Christ brings maturity and unity to the Body of believers. 

Session Four: Abide in Jesus – Preparing the Bride, Scripture Focus: John 15:4-5, Matthew 25:1-3, Revelation 19:7   As we examine our life, we will also evaluate the fruit of our life. It is good fruit, rotten fruit, or bad fruit? As we continue the process of seeking God and studying His Word, we can align our emotions, and thoughts, to ensure that we are producing good fruit. We intentionally cultivate the good roots of truth which can produce fruitfulness for the Kingdom of God. It is here that we allow God to shape our character and empower us to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

Includes: 'Table Talks' Roundtable discussion (25 min.) with Application Questions/Handouts

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