Did you know that 86% of Christians say they want to know their purpose, but many feel unsure of how to find it? Discovering God’s calling for your life can feel overwhelming,...
Posted by Shauna Parker on 12/16/2024
In life’s most challenging moments, it’s easy to let fear take control. But when we choose faith over fear, we discover the strength to trust God, even when the path ahead...
Posted by Shauna Parker on 12/16/2024
Did you know that life’s darkest moments often lead to the greatest transformations? Here I Am, Lord is a powerful testimony that inspires resilience, courage, and trust in God’s...
Posted by Shauna Parker on 12/16/2024
I didn't experience the love of a father growing up. But when I found out I had a Father in heaven who loved me more than any earthly father could, my life was forever changed...
Soon after navigating the enormous challenges of a pandemic wedding in the spring of 2020, Lena found herself in a fight for the survival of her special needs stepson. Her husband’s...
Posted by Lena Bjorna on 12/05/2024
Karynthia knows firsthand hearing the diagnosis of breast cancer. She not only had one type of cancerous cells but two different types of breast cancer that required nearly 2years...
Posted by Karynthia Phillips on 11/28/2024
We live in a sinful, disease-filled world and it is hard to see the good. But God. These two words bring hope to the hopeless, faith to the faithless, and joy to the joyless. Join...
Posted by Sheila Llewellyn on 11/06/2024
What if unforgiveness was stuck on you like Gorilla glue. What if you learned to untangle stinkin' thinkin' and your newly revived heart welcomed home peace and joy.---Five...
Posted by Linda Keller on 09/28/2024
One of my latest experiences, and a call to action. 9/26/24This speech is so powerful because this one teaches the audience on how to listen to God when He calls in the middle of the...
Posted by Rossie Manka on 09/26/2024
Attempting to explain the sudden death of my grandfather to a 6 and 8 year old, led me to the creation of a heartfelt story about experiencing the earthly presence of someone we loved...
Posted by Robbie Gring on 09/10/2024
Michelle Bader Ebersole is a gifted speaker, teacher, and inspirer who has been called to help others navigate the storms of life. Whether it's dealing with the loss of a loved...
Posted by Michelle Bader Ebersole on 09/03/2024
Let's be real! I am more concerned with helping your heart heal, than how your flesh feels!Galatians 5:22-26 GNTD[22] But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,...
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024