Have you experienced regrets or failures that seem to prevent you from reaching your full potential? Regrets can be powerful barriers to personal growth and achieving our full potential. They...
Posted by Anna Moore Bradfield on 01/15/2023
"....And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them...
Excerpt from my message at Glen Rose;C.S Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”So, when we start having the attitude...
Posted by Jeannie Kirkpatrick on 12/15/2022
Do you know someone who has struggled with or is struggling with the question of our purpose in this world? What does God have to do with establishing meaning for human life? In this...
Posted by Mary Jo Sharp on 10/26/2022
What do you do when there are unaddressed, bigger-than-life issues in a family that are causing seismic rifts? Living in a dysfunctional family hurts and can lead to anxiety and...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
What if you fix your eyes upon Jesus? Never taking your eyes off Jesus? How will that change your life?Learn how to do life with Jesus and let Him carry your burdens for you....
Posted by Joyce Stone on 08/22/2022
Published article on Intercessors, Finish the Task! - Intercessors for America (ifapray.org) Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a tells us the Israelites rebuilt the broken down walls of...
Posted by Holly LaChappell on 08/17/2022
Do you know what? The older I get, the more I realize how crazy I am! My life has been as smooth as gravel! There have been those fantastic moments and heartbreaking...
Posted by Jill Evans on 08/08/2022
Psalms 27 The One Thing I love how the word of God falls fresh on us when we are still long enough for it to do so. I was struck by David's words in Psalms 27....
Posted by Laura Sommons on 08/02/2022
Empowering you to reclaim your life from whatever has tried to destroy it. Using Danielle's S.E.L.F. (See, Expose, Love, Free) framework you'll be empowered with boldness in...
Posted by Danielle Bernock on 06/27/2022
Blueprint: In today’s world people are doing so much, yet what are they getting accomplished? Doesn’t it appear that people’s aim is off and their patience is wearing...