Have you ever wanted to be transformed and make huge, bold changes in your life? You have the heart. You have the desire. You are ready to take action, but you aren't sure where...
A weary woman’s life-line! Discover how the gridlock of the daily grind—whether steps from your bed or miles in traffic—can become your own Sacred COMMUTE journey...
Are you tired of conflicting diet information on the internet? Confused about what you should actually be eating? Listen a nutritionist explain what healthy eating looks like and how...
I realized I had to learn to love myself in order to truly follow God’s commandments: to love Him and to love others as I love myself. But how could I genuinely love others if...
Posted by Sonja Christine on 09/16/2024
The journey of raising my son with high functioning autism has been one of the most glorious experiences of my life! It was a fight, though. Though there were tears, heartache...
Posted by Mindy Glaser on 09/03/2024
I was a member of the Next Steps desk at my church in Oklahoma. We helped new church members get plugged in. Above our desk, there were small student-sized desks affixed to the wall...
“Years ago, I wasn't flourishing in life because I didn't know what REAL JOY was.” Yvette suffered a terrible divorce with a bipolar husband. Through God's...
While working in hospice, I once introduced myself to a fantastic woman in her nineties. I asked a conversation starter question that was phrased something like, "tell me...
Posted by Emily Hill on 07/23/2024
Life’s trials can be unexpected and feel overwhelming, but they’re also opportunities to strengthen your faith. Discover how to emerge stronger, more resilient, and deeply...
A mini workshop of instruction on how we can be young at heart, live longer and be more useful. What Jesus has to say about the essentials of being young and making our life useful...
Posted by Linda Berry on 10/09/2023
Strengthen your purpose and build your faith. Gain confidence that you were created with surprising, yet significant gifts, designed to nourish others and have you flourish in the...
Posted by Tiffany Jo Baker on 09/14/2023
Keynote: The Joy Prescription: Wisdom for Overcoming Burnout and Cultivating a Flourishing Life - a powerful blend of biblical wisdom, faith, science, and practical strategies that...
Posted by Cynthia Libert, M.D. on 08/21/2023