I am doing this very vulnerable post to help you ladies be vulnerable also, because that's where we find our healing, in being honest with ourselves where we are falling short...
Come and prepare for the marriage journey. Get excited to learn about "relationship real estate." Are you ready for "ownership" with marriage goals or are you fine...
What does it mean to "own your life"? Taking ownership for your life is a powerful thing. Danielle knows this is the only way to go from surviving in life to thriving....
Everyone has baggage of some kind. Most have suffered trauma. Baggage is personal. Trauma is personal. It takes getting personal to emerge free.It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set...
Empowering you to reclaim your life from whatever has tried to destroy it. Using Danielle's S.E.L.F. (See, Expose, Love, Free) framework you'll be empowered with boldness in...
Worth & Value – Knowing who we are in Christ is a life-long journey. However, the better understanding we have of our true worth the better our quality of life and function in the...