Unlock the transformative power of God's grace with this compelling session designed to breathe new life into your audience's faith journey. In a world where the enemy thrives...
Many women feel overwhelmed and drained, but Kathryn shows how small, intentional steps can restore energy and ignite a wellness movement within the family. This talk is a motivational...
Posted by Kathryn McAdam on 12/29/2024
Are you ready to find your calling once and for all? Your calling is the sweet spot where your passions, gifts, and skills overlap. As you begin to live out your calling, you'll...
Did you know that 86% of Christians say they want to know their purpose, but many feel unsure of how to find it? Discovering God’s calling for your life can feel overwhelming,...
Posted by Shauna Parker on 12/16/2024
In life’s most challenging moments, it’s easy to let fear take control. But when we choose faith over fear, we discover the strength to trust God, even when the path ahead...
Posted by Shauna Parker on 12/16/2024
Did you know that life’s darkest moments often lead to the greatest transformations? Here I Am, Lord is a powerful testimony that inspires resilience, courage, and trust in God’s...
Posted by Shauna Parker on 12/16/2024
Empowering women to quiet their mind, body, and spirit, escape overwhelm, and embrace the peace and joy they crave—living life fully, as God always intended=====In a world that...
Posted by Erin Moore on 12/14/2024
What if scripture taught you how to be content, and you kicked wicked thinking to the curb, and your old disgruntled heart spilled over with new peace and joy.Linda saw CONTENTMENT...
Posted by Linda Keller on 12/11/2024
Discover the Joy of True Connection with God. Are you exhausted from trying to measure up to religious expectations, striving to be the “perfect Christian,”...
Answering the call of God on our lives can be scary and exhilerating at the same time. When we say "yes" to Jesus we say yes to all He has for us. I inspire audiences with...
Posted by Dawn-Rene Curiel on 12/09/2024
Experiencing the power of God's presence changes us. Treasures from Heaven and nuggets of wisdom unfold as I share experiences from my own life. I offer your audience practical...
Soon after navigating the enormous challenges of a pandemic wedding in the spring of 2020, Lena found herself in a fight for the survival of her special needs stepson. Her husband’s...
Posted by Lena Bjorna on 12/05/2024