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Posted by: Jeannie Kirkpatrick on 12/15/2022

Better Than One Day In His Court

Excerpt from my message at Glen Rose;

C.S Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”

So, when we start having the attitude that we have, this life whipped into place. The emphasis is on when WE have this life. Remember what Jesus did for us on that cross; without his sacrifice, we would have nothing. If our life is going great, it is not us but Christ who did that for us.

Because of God’s grace toward us, we no longer need to desire that one day in His court; we have the privilege to enter his court anytime. We don’t need to stand at the door and peep in to see Jesus. He is there anytime we need him.

When we feel our faith is almost, if not already gone. All we need to do is Whisper Jesus……that is all it takes. Whisper Jesus until you feel the Holy Spirit rising in you; Whisper Jesus, and you will find your feet standing in His court.

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