Too Late for Dress Rehearsals: Living Life Intentionally
Have you experienced regrets or failures that seem to prevent you from reaching your full potential? Regrets can be powerful barriers to personal growth and achieving our full potential.
They keep us trapped exactly where we are, fearful of moving forward because of anxiety over future failure or further regrets.
They’re what keep us chained to past resentments and bitterness.
They’re what keep us stuck in guilt or shame over things we’ve done or failed to do.
They’re what lead to a “blah” life instead of the victorious life God has called for us to enjoy as His children.
But guess what? We can turn our past regrets into lessons learned and actually grow because of them. In this interactive experience, Anna will:
Describe the various types of regret us have all witnessed or experienced.
Share a regret from her own life.
Recount how she pushed “restart” in the midst of the event.
Illustrate five simple steps she took that helped her push past the pain to find her path toward intentional living.
Life doesn’t just “happen” to us. It’s up to us whether we stay imprisoned in the past or find our freedom in Christ.
We will use Anna’s award-winning, best-selling series The Lambswool Chronicles, as the basis for this interactive event, which could be implemented either as a presentation or as an interactive workshop.
The Lambswool Chronicles transport the reader into the world of ancient Israel where David, the apple of God’s eye, seeks to fulfill his purpose as king. In this series, trouble and hardship abound amidst love, forgiveness, and hope for a better tomorrow.
Both Legacy and Lunacy could be purchased and autographed in advance for attendees.
Push restart today. Learn five simple steps to help you live your life intentionally.