After surviving the loss of their first son, Taylor and her husband were shocked to learn that their youngest baby was not expected to be born alive. The Pitcher Talk tells the story...
"What is my purpose?” God himself has placed this question in our hearts. Exploring who He is through His Word and the gifts and passion He has given us will lead to the...
Would you like a more impactful walk with God that pumps you up and recharges your battery? Learn the spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting, meditation, and more) and get physically...
Posted by Lisa Kinakin on 01/21/2024
Who doesn’t love a beautiful present?! Uniquely chosen and given with love from the heart, gifts are precious and exciting to receive. Together we’ll open up Romans...
Posted by Lisa Kinakin on 01/21/2024
Wouldn't you love to be clued in to what Jesus wants for you and your life? Guess what? His will for you is not intended to be a mystery, but a gift to be opened and...
Life is a journey filled with treacherous roadways, a persnickety physical engine, and endless obstacles along the way. But it’s also a glorious adventure packed with passionate...
Posted by Lisa Kinakin on 01/21/2024
Do you long to know God deeper and experience greater intimacy with Jesus? Would you like to know how to tap into the heart of Christ and fully experience his Spirit in your...
Posted by Lisa Kinakin on 01/21/2024
Ps. 37:4 shares: “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!” (NLT) The ERV Bible says, “Give the Lord a chance...
You are not going crazy - but the world definitely is! Do we have a front-row seat to what Jesus said would come to pass? The end-time signs seem pretty clear:Lawlessness will increase,...
Posted by Kelly Thoreson on 11/03/2023
Peppi’s hilarious, 100% clean, multi-media comedy, followed by her brief Christmas message, isn't just a show. It's an experience! The Rejected Gift is Peppi's...
Are you standing firm in your God-given identity? In this session, Karen addresses your deepest fears, clear steps toward confidence in Christ, and how to walk out with your feet,...
In this Creative Devotional Experience participants will use paint, paper and art supplies to create a visual testimony of how God can create something beautiful out of the broken...
Posted by April Gadoury on 09/25/2023