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Robin Farnsworth

Christian Speaker
Barnstable Massachusetts 02601

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Barnstable, MA 02601
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

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Victory Chapel
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Full Time (over 20 events per year)
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More About Robin Farnsworth

Robin Farnsworthis an award-winning author and speaker. She and her husband Calvin live on Cape Cod, where they run Higher Ground Outreach, a Christian ministry for incarcerated men and women.

           On duty as an ER nurse in 2002, Farnsworth identified her son, Spencer, minutes after he was pronounced dead. He was the unintended target of a murder. So begins her memoir,The Greater Weight of Glory, an extraordinary journey that explores the power of faith and forgiveness with uncommon candor and courage. In 2016, WCVBTV Boston's Chronicle interviewed Robin and one of the men in prison for her son's murder, highlighting their "unlikely friendship." It is a story of hope you won't forget.

            Robin is available for speaking engagements and has spoken in a wide variety of settings – from camps to conferences, prisons and retreats. She believes in the power of a testimony and that there is enough in her story to motivate anyone to believe God loves them and wants to redeem and restore their life. "My goal is to encourage others in their hardest circumstances and help them make life-changing decisions that will lead to a victorious and fruitful life in Christ Jesus."

            Robin loves serving God in her local church and taking trips to North Carolina and Malaysia to see her two sons, Miles and Jake, their wives, and her six amazing grandchildren.

           For more of her story, check out her website and blog: www.robinfarnsworth.com

Robin Farnsworth Recommendations

Submitted by Christ Community Church on Thursday, Jan 04, 2024

Sharon Harrell, CCWomen Team

Robin spoke at our first women’s retreat after COVID.   It was important to us have a quality speaker and one that would bring us to the throne room of God.  Robin was both of those things and more!  She was not only a speaker but an authentic lover of her sisters in Christ.  Robin has a delightfully engaging way of sharing many truths about God’s trustworthiness and the joy of walking with Him.  Her blogs on her website are a good indication of the warmth with which she shares.  Although she shares with humbling vulnerability, the focus is God’s glory.  We left that weekend with joy in our hearts.

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Submitted by OBC on Friday, Aug 04, 2023

Kim Range

Robin is a dynamic and engaging speaker. I was recently at a sold out event of over 300 people and you could've heard a pin drop! People were rapt and hanging on every word. Her book is incredible to read but to hear her speak her testimony is even more powerful!

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Submitted by Lowell Bible Church on Monday, May 29, 2023

Laura Warner

I have heard Robin 4 times. Each time her subject has been different, but no less engaging or passionate. Robin is very down to earth and draws her audiences in by her soft and honest voice. She is God fearing and God loving and I look forward to hearing her again.

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Submitted by Lowell Bible Church on Thursday, May 25, 2023

Connie LaPlume

We were so blessed and honored to have Robin speak at our Ladies Day on May 6, 2023. This was the fourth time we have Robin as our guest speaker. Our first retreat had 33 ladies. The one on May 6th had 54 ladies. We continue to grow in numbers and spiritually under her teaching. Whether it is the first time you sit under her teaching or the fourth time like I have, you feel the love she shares. Her faith is front and center. She has written a book called the Greater Weight of Glory. That is really a "must read". She carries the same faith in God over to her speaking that she shares in her book.

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Submitted by First Congregational Church Of Rochester on Tuesday, Apr 04, 2023

Diane S.

I was blessed to hear Robin at our annual Ladies Friendship Luncheon. Her story is both heart wrenching and uplifting. Forgiveness has new meaning after listening. My husband was part of the days end clean up crew and he heard Robins message as he stood waiting. He said he was glad he was there to witness her powerful message!

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Submitted by St. Rita Sodality on Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022

Rose Marie DiResta

If you are looking for a speaker who can touch the hearts of the entire gathering, then I strongly recommend Robin. She has been our guest speaker two years in a row and everyone is already looking forward to her next appearance. Robin has so much to share and does it in a loving, kind way. You go away from her presentation wanting to be a better person.

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Submitted by Ossippee Congregational Church on Thursday, Aug 04, 2022

Kathy Cooper

Robin is the real deal ! For week’s after her talk, ladies were continuing to share the “take-aways” from her time with us. Her love for Jesus and others is so evident.

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Submitted by Pine Brook Camp And Conference Center on Wednesday, Mar 30, 2022

Lori Brink, Director of Development and Guest Services

Robin was the speaker for our annual Ladies Retreat this year and we couldn't have been more blessed! She has a powerful story and was able to bring a sense of peace and calm in the midst of the storms in this life. She was genuine, relatable and a true woman of God. The redemption that Christ can provide was undeniable and shone through her.

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Submitted by Hope Fellowship Church on Monday, Jan 17, 2022

Stacey Olson

I highly recommend that if you have the chance to meet Robin and hear her share her story and her heart that you don't pass it up! We we're blessed by her openness to share the hard parts of her story. Her vulnerability and love of her Savior Jesus Christ set her apart from the rest. We left with renewed hope and encouragement to forgive. To forgive those that have wounded us deeply, those that are hard to forgive. Her message brought hope to those who have been bound by hurt and unforgiveness. She truly is a gem of our generation.

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Submitted by Lowell Bible Church on Sunday, Aug 25, 2019

Connie LaPlume

For 2 years I worked at trying to find a speaker for a small retreat in my area. No one responded my search. I was discouraged... I thought I would look one more time... Robin's name came up at the top of the list. God said.... ask her. My faith was not exactly strong thinking she would respond to my request. But she responded the same day! We were honored to have Robin speak to our group of 33 women. Robin is amazing. Her life story is touching. Her ability to "move on" after a life of trials that a non Christian would not be able to face is compelling to listen to. Her faith shines through in her words... and her smile is contagious and genuine. She was a blessing to every lady in the room. Forgiveness to Robin is not just a word. She lives it every minute of every day. I was honored to be able to sit and listen to her testimony.

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Robin Farnsworth Speaking Topics

Hearing God

How do we hear God’s voice? Are our hearts turned towards Him and His word, or is the noise from the world and its seducing power drowning the voice of our Lord? Faith comes...

Addiction: A Worship Disorder

Our culture is saturated with a Worship Disorder. We idolize ourselves - and whatever feels good or makes us look good. Many of these behaviors lead to self-destructive and addictive...

Sowing in Tears – Reaping in Joy

Walking by faith through the darkness is not easy, but God is faithful to direct our steps. When we wait upon the Lord, we will reap an abundant harvest, beyond anything we could ask...

Jesus Above All

Can Jesus really be our all in all? In a culture that offers a variety of quick fixes at our fingertips, where does the Christian stand? Through personal testimony and practical Biblical...

Who - Me?

God always uses the unlikely to glorify His name. Even Jesus  - born in a barn and from the po-dunk town of Galilee. A Savior?  And the Bible declares He was not Brad Pitt...


It’s not as hard as it sounds when we align our will with God’s. Through personal testimony of addiction, loss, and deep suffering, even small faith pleases God and releases...

Posted by Robin Farnsworth on 02/08/2020

Fear to Freedom

We live in an age of fear and skepticism but God calls us up to a higher ground - to a place of freedom and wholeness. How do we get there from here? And how do we know that we can...

The Power of Forgiveness

In 2016, Boston’s Chronicle aired a show about this speaker and author titled Mother Forgives Son’s Killers: An Unlikely Friendship. What is true forgiveness...

Who - Me?

God always uses the unlikely to glorify His name. Even Jesus  - born in a barn and from the po-dunk town of Galilee. A Savior?  And the Bible declares He was not Brad Pitt...

Rescue, Redeem and Renew

Our spiritual life does not stop at salvation. God has so much more in store for us, beyond what we can think or imagine! He is a Redeemer of all things broken and a Life-Giver to...

Running the Race – Finishing Well

Hebrews 12:1 declares,” And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,” Weaving hilarious illustrations with powerful personal testimony, Robin helps us discern...

Taking the Leap

"What is my purpose?” God himself has placed this question in our hearts. Exploring who He is through His Word and the gifts and passion He has given us will lead to the...


Tired? Stressed? Burnt out? John 15 provides the secret to a life “hid with Christ,” a life of freedom and fruitfulness.What did Jesus mean when He called us to “abide”...

Robin Farnsworth Events

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Robin Farnsworth Resources

The Greater Weight of Glory – A Memoir

A Foreward Indie Finalist B.R.A.G. Medallion Award Recipient Reader’s Favorite Silver Medal Winner          On duty as an ER nurse in 2002, Farnsworth identified her son, Spencer, minutes after he was pronounced dead. He was the unintended target of a murder. So begins her memoir,  The Greater Weight of Glory,  an extraordinary journey that explores the power of faith and forgiveness with rare candor and courage. In 2016, WCVBTV Boston's Chronicle interviewed Robin and one of the men in prison for her son's murder, highlighting their "unlikely...

Posted by Robin Farnsworth on 07/24/2018