With God, everything is possible! This is a topic that few want to unwrap, but I have a testimony that will blow your mind and set others free! I share my experience on...
Who doesn’t love a beautiful present?! Uniquely chosen and given with love from the heart, gifts are precious and exciting to receive. Together we’ll open up Romans...
Are your days feeling routine, ordinary, or overlooked? Hold on, because God's got an incredible blueprint for you. Dive into understanding how God envisions you, and uncover the...
How quickly we step out of grace and enter back into legalism...It starts with subtle guilt (I didn't have my devotions this morning...God's favor won't be upon my day...
We all have grand expectations for Christmas and make the greatest preparations but too many times our excitement turns into exhaustion. In this Christmas message, using the example...
Have you ever been invited to a dinner at someone's house? Maybe a potluck at work or church? You start thinking about what to bring. There is always someone who brings the same...
As an adoptive parent of five, having lived to tell the story.... There are steps to take, pot holes to avoid, and tickets to pay along the way. The journey of adoption is a rewarding...
Elevate Your Leadership with Cheryl’s Leadership Unwrapped SeriesDiscover the true essence of leadership through the Leadership Commandment: “And in the pursuit of leading...
Hope Rising, Tammy's signature talk, is intended to encourage and support women of all ages who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, trafficking and other...
Unwrapping the greatest gift with humor and the Word of God!An uplifting, encouraging message perfect for a luncheon, ladies night out or day conference.Great message for your Christmas...