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Posted by: Peppi Garrett on 10/26/2023

Christmas Comedy Show - The Rejected Gift

Peppi’s hilarious, 100% clean, multi-media comedy, followed by her brief Christmas message, isn't just a show. It's an experience! The Rejected Gift is Peppi's humorous, true story of when she was six; and all she wanted for Christmas was a teal blue Easy Bake Oven, just like the one she saw on TV. But boy, was she ever disappointed by the tiny, ugly, light-as-a-feather package with her name on it, that her mom pulled out from the tree and handed to her.  And why did mama have a gleam in her eye? Surely this was NOT her Easy Bake Oven!  Peppi was so disappointed, that she threw the unopened gift back onto the tree!  Rejected!  The surprise ending leaves attendees realizing the Savior of the World is offering them the Gift their souls are longing for the most that never disappoints. But what will they do with this Gift?

Laughter and the gospel. Healing for the mind, body, soul and spirit. It's Peppi's unique way of bringing the temporary joy of laughter to share the eternal joy of knowing Jesus with women all across the nation. 

Peppi Garrett 


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