Peppi’s hilarious, 100% clean, multi-media comedy, followed by her brief Christmas message, isn't just a show. It's an experience! The Rejected Gift is Peppi's...
A Southern character who brings out the funny in life while pointing to the HOPE we have in Christ! Hold on to your hats because you might just laugh out loud!...
What makes a person happy? What is the difference between happiness and joy? As christian how should we look at this topic? In this session Yvonne shares a 7 step plan...
Rhonda is a Pastors Wife... She gets it! No one else knows the unique ministry to the minister expect those who are married to pastors. Rhonda is a favorite speaker for pastors wives...
Rhonda is a popular speaker on College Campuses. This message for single, college aged women and even teens inspires young women to build a life of no regrets as they listen to Rhonda's...
Rhonda is a Pastors Wife... She gets it! No one else knows the unique ministry to the minister expect those who are married to pastors. Rhonda is a favorite speaker for pastors wives...