Shame is that 5-letter word that can sometimes feel more like a 4-letter word. It’s the feeling that says who we are … isn’t good enough. We feel bad about ourselves, confident...
Posted by Carey Scott on 01/08/2016
Most of us do not know that Satan erupts our life with trauma in order to have us become victims of our own circumstances. What we fail to realize is that our trauma is custom made...
Posted by Lynnette Appling, MSHRM, PHR on 12/28/2015
Did you know that there is now overwhelming research which supports that forgiveness is one of the most powerful actions we can do to position us to live a fruitful, peaceful, and...
Posted by Dr. Brenetia Adams-Robinson on 12/21/2015
In order to live your life authentic best life, you must embrace who you are, knowing that despite your imperfections you are still an awesome creation of God. This powerful...
Posted by Dr. Brenetia Adams-Robinson on 12/21/2015
Discover more about yourself, others, relationships, work and home as you begin to learn how to discern the season that you are in during a particular time in your life. Living things...
Posted by Tonya Wells on 11/02/2015
If what you experienced did not kill you and we know it did not kill you, because you are reading this description, than perhaps this is your ministry. Finding new purpose from...
Posted by Trina Hines on 11/01/2015
Are you exhausted by living amid the cult of excellence? Convinced that anything less than 110% is a failure? Scared that making mistakes means you are a failure? Or do you have the...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 10/29/2015
If you are like me, when you look back over the errors, failures and mishaps in your life you may wonder why a holy God would ever love you. How can he forgive and forget all the things...
"I AM Says, ""You Are..."" - Who are you? What defines you? Can a cross look ruin your day? Does a hurtful word send you into a tail spin? Do you try to fix...
What woman doesn't love gifts? And yet most women live without ever fully experiencing the gifts God has in store for them. The gift of frienship, the gift of God's presence,...
Posted by Donna Jones on 10/29/2015
A wonderful retreat for these challenging times! Janet equips her audience with Biblical tools to help them with hope, healing, and helps--but also with a LOT of humor to keep the...
Why is it we claim to have the joy of the Lord in our hearts and yet fail to “alert our faces”? Donna’s personal testimony is a story of joy. Weeping indeed lasted...
Posted by Donna Lott on 10/29/2015