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Posted by: Dr. Brenetia Adams-Robinson on 12/21/2015

The Power Within: Embrace the Phenomenal You

In order to live your life authentic best life, you must embrace who you are, knowing that despite your imperfections you are still an awesome creation of God.  This powerful presentation is designed to build self-esteem, promote self-empowerment, and help you reach your “personal best” in all aspects of life. Participants will learn the following:

  • Life changing strategies to tap into your intrinsic power to embrace your authentic self.

  • Master the courage to live past self imposed limitations to be who you were meant to be.

  • Identify limitations that hinder capacity to release past traumas and embrace internal potential.

  • Identify and release self-defeating thoughts in order to move out of apathy into action.

Topics include when to internalize; externalize events that impact self value; turning perceived failures into lessons of success; concepts and techniques to command respect; the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness; changing your perception of who you; and bouncing back after extreme disappointments. Hands-on exercises and role-playing will help participants understand that the desire and strength to pursue our dreams and make them come true is an internal process. The only power that can hinder us is the power within.

This program can be structured as a  keynote address, seminar, or 1-day workshop.

To listen to an interview with Dr. Bre on "Embracing the Phenomenal You": http://www.thedestinydiva.com/audio-visual

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