"What if I told you God has a plan for your life––yes YOUR life?" asks Rhonda Stoppe. "What if you could know that plan and learn to walk in it? That...
What woman wouldn’t like to grow in confidence? Or find hope? Or gain wisdom? Using Isaiah 40 Donna will inspire and equip you to walk, run–and soar–in your relationship...
Posted by Donna Jones on 08/24/2017
What does it really mean to be a godly woman? Lisa will explore God's design for women. Where does beauty fit in? What is modesty? Can a strong, confident woman also be a godly...
Posted by Lisa Radcliff on 08/18/2017
Road Trip with God: Embrace the JourneyIsaiah 30:21 – Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘this is the way;...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 07/18/2017
There is power in a little seed - in the hands of a mighty GOD - it can move mountains. Are you planting the Seed of God's Word? Don't wait for hard circumstances to...
Has your encounter with God transformed your life?Your ENCOUNTER with God should affect your;...Relationship with Jesus: Has your encounter with the God of the universe truly transformed...
Posted by Adele Morgan on 08/31/2016
Learning to let go of our past, our pain, and the things that haunt us and hold us back. We must take charge, be strong, and live confident and purposefully! 1. Letting Go - Learn...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 01/27/2016
Shame is that 5-letter word that can sometimes feel more like a 4-letter word. It’s the feeling that says who we are … isn’t good enough. We feel bad about ourselves, confident...
Posted by Carey Scott on 01/08/2016
The conversations Jesus had with and about women during his ministry provide a window directly into God’s heart. As the face of the Father, Jesus showed us that God loves, understands,...
Posted by Lynn Bell Pechuekonis on 12/29/2015
Torment! How do women conquer torment? Many women experience the ramifications of either outside forces or the misguided assumptions that evoke personal defenses of their mind. Even...
Posted by Lynnette Appling, MSHRM, PHR on 12/28/2015
Feel confident in your look and how wonderfully you were made. Discover your color code, body shape, and learn how to choose the most flattering clothes for you specific features,...
Posted by Taunya Todd on 11/16/2015
Women are a precious gift from God to the world, but somewhere along the way we’ve lost our confidence. Explore when the first woman lost her confidence and how Christ came to...
Posted by Carol Sallee on 10/29/2015