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Posted by: Debra Bosacki on 04/27/2017


There is power in a little seed - in the hands of a mighty GOD - it can move mountains. Are you planting the Seed of God's Word? 

Don't wait for hard circumstances to come. Plant it by Decreeing and Declaring God's Word today. Call forth what He has already done in the heavenliness until you experience it in the earthly realm. When you speak it out over yourself, your loved ones and your circumstances, the SEED of God's WORD goes to WORK - remember to stick with it ... the end of the Promise is already built into the SEED.  Don't dig it up with unbelief because you don't see anything happening. 

The amount of SEEDS you sow will determine the size off our harvest. 

" ... He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." 2 Cor. 9:6 NKJV

The Promises from God's Word are filled with possibilities. It's time to RELEASE THE SEED of God's Word!

You will learn:

  • How to make room in your heart to fit God's possibilities
  • How to Hear God's Voice
  • How to Co-labor with God
  • The POWER of the SEED (God's WORD)
  • How to Release the SEED
  • How to Protect and Grow the SEED
  • Hinderances that strangle the PROMISE from growing
  • How ministering angels bring in the harvest
  • and the enormity of God's possibilities if you only believe.

Nothing is impossible with God!

Using the analogy of the garden, Debra shares powerful testimonies of God's miracle working power, intermingled with the Word of God, that will teach you and stir you to release the SEED of God's Word into your life, bringing in a bountiful harvest.

Romans 4:20-21 (VOICE) speaking of Abraham says, "In spite of all of this, his faith in God's promise did not falter. In fact, his faith grew as he gave glory to God, because he was supremely confident that God could deliver on His promise."

Are you confident that God can deliver on the Promises in His Word?  

"...Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps His Word..."

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