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Posted by: Adele Morgan on 08/31/2016


Has your encounter with God transformed your life?

Your ENCOUNTER with God should affect your;

...Relationship with Jesus: Has your encounter with the God of the universe truly transformed your life? Our encounter with God through Jesus Christ should be more than just a one-time emotional or spiritual event, it should lead us to spiritual maturity. I will explain through scripture and personal life stories what the sanctification process looks like. What is spiritual fruit? How is spiritual fruit different from natural talents and gifts? Ladies will have a chance to challenge their spiritual walk, and start to understand their spiritual giftings and how to use them in their daily lives.  

...Relationship With Other Christians: No woMAN is an Island! :) God did not intend us to walk this journey alone. He wants us to walk together in community with other believers. What does bearing one another's burdens look like compared to over burdening your fellow believers. We will also touch on "Christian Competition" WHAT? Yes, dis-unity in the body of Christ is so damaging to eachother and to non-believers.  I will also dive into what the difference between forgiveness and restoration among Christians  looks like.

...Relationship With the Non-Believer: Are you duplicating your faith? Do you understand the basics of the gospel well enough to share it with an unbeliever in a confident and kind way? How do we tell others about true Satisfaction, Security, Success and Significance that we have in our relationship with Jesus? 


This talk is set up to appeal to the non-believers as well as the long-time Christian. This topic is in 3 sessions but I'm totally flexible and sensitive to your time schedule. Like I always say, "TOPICS AND SESSION FORMATS ARE FLEXIBLE, GOD'S TRUTH IS NOT!" :)  


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